Needs work, but fairly cheap. It's basically a starting point of price/condition direction that I need to base my search off of. I'm fond of these cars, but lack firsthand experience or knowledge to know what is worth exploring or ignoring. Would you consider either or these a good deal for the 1800-1900 range?
Eligible Miata # 1
Eligible Miata # 2
From #1:
engine kick-ass, only it needs to have the crankshaft drilled and tapped for new bolts in order to install the new crankshaft pulley since the old one broke off on me last week.
As it is currently non-running, and you therefore have no way to verify the engine, this one seems WAY overpriced.
2 seems incredibly clean for the price. No top-up pictures probably means a new top is coming, and I never understand why people wouldn't put mileage for a 23 year old car, but...
the broken off crank pulley scares me on the first one
1 has rust. You can barely see it in the right side shot. #2 looks very nice. It will need a radiator ASAP though. Not sure whats going on with that rusty stain on the top of it. They also didn't mention mileage. Also, since a '90 1.6, check for crank pulley wobble.
Right, "drill and tap" the crankshaft for a new pulley. That will work.
He's trying to sell a Miata that needs a new motor for $1850. If it was perfect in every other way that might fly, but looking at it at a glance it's a sub-$1000 car.
The other one looks like a much better deal, and I love the blue.
2 looks clean for the price; I paid 2k for mine in rougher condition than that. Does look like a non AC, no power steering car though (from what I can see). Also, looks like it needs a new radiator. Not a deterrent, just something to plan on doing.
Also its a 1.6, see if the crankshaft pulley is wobble-free. hard to tell and not always an indicator of being OK, but if its about to break you might get a clue.
I'd rather buy a good-looking car with some mechanical issues than a dented and beat up car with good engine/tranny....I SUCK at body work.
5/23/13 10:00 a.m.
Nope. I have bought 3 NB's this year for $1500 or less each
Keep looking there are better deals out there.
What is your location? We might be able to help
5/23/13 10:04 a.m.
The blue one would be gone in less than an hour in Wisconsin.
5/23/13 10:12 a.m.
Personally, I'd pay a small premium for mariner blue, BRG, or basically anything that's not-red.
I'm in the NYC area, so most cars that have any sort of enthusiast appeal are either trashed by the Pep Boys scene, or priced like they are made out of gold and kittens.
redhookfern wrote:
I'm in the NYC area, so most cars that have any sort of enthusiast appeal are either trashed by the Pep Boys scene, or priced like they are made out of gold and kittens.
same down here in southern NJ. Some of the trashed ones are also priced like they are made of gold and kittens
2 is the only eligible choice of those.
1 is sketchy.
I'd pay $500 for the red one at best. Because it has a bad motor, and also because it's red.
The second one looks like a solid buy at $2k. Radiator is hosed. Some weird wrinkle-looking stuff on passenger front fender/bumper, but pretty clean overall.
I would think red would be more desirble than the blue.
Also came across this and very tempted. Looks mint. I had an '89 and loved it....
'86 Si
I hate to say this, but i'd take that Prelude over either of those Miatas.
Oh, and nobody likes red cars. Nobody.
5/23/13 4:00 p.m.
redhookfern wrote:
I'm in the NYC area, so most cars that have any sort of enthusiast appeal are either trashed by the Pep Boys scene, or priced like they are made out of gold and kittens.
This would explain why I'm delivering one to NY next month
The red car owner is smoking crack.
I wouldn't buy a 90-93. 1.6 motor, weak rear end ratio, no Torsen. The average buyer doesn't know the difference between a 93 and a 94, so the price difference between the two isn't that significant, but you get so much better stuff on a 94. Just... not the red 94 that you listed. :)
1 - nope.
2 - Maybe. Would need to know how many miles are on it, whether there is rocker rust and whether the rear window needs to be replaced. (High miles, rocker rust and ratty tops all effect value and the pics and verbage in this add don't give you any info on those topics) I'm also a little suspicious of the Craigslist oners dat ca'nt spel in their adds. In my experience, they also tend to miss things like having plates/insurance on the car so you can drive it, knowing where the keys are, having a title to go with the car and remembering to change the oil before the oil light comes on.
5/23/13 9:25 p.m.
I'm going to lose money on my Miata, but luckily it probably wont be more than $1000. I'm glad too...because I don't think I'll own another.