Hi Gang.
I've spent hours looking for metric feeze plugs with no luck
Bought a dwarf last year with two poped plugs suzuki has no part number for them and non of the stores have them.
Tried goodson but didn't find'em tons of tools no plugs.
Anyone got a sorce for metric frost plugs FREEZE PLUGS/EXPANSION PLUGS ?
How about the rubber expandable ones. They are sold in inch measurements, but being expandable should work. Get a 3/4 and tighten it down. Available at your local auto parts store.
I'm looking at those but theres not alot of room between the roof and floor and i'm afraid they might block the water flow around the head.
I did some more digging and did find one place but not sure if i can get them in time.
I got metric freeze plugs at O'Reilly's. They didn't have them stocked in the stores, but they have a distribution center in my town with a front counter.
They could have ordered them and had them next day at the store fronts.