I'm looking for a small smog pump to use as a supercharger on a Honda 70cc minibike engine.
I'd like to keep as much Honda content as possible on this project. Does anybody know of any early Honda cars that used smog pumps? I know that the Civic 1200 (my first race car) used one, but I don't think that it would be too easy to find one at this point. I can't even find a picture of one. I know that the CVCC engine didn't need one.
Any suggestions?
Supercharged Honda 50 for reference:
I'll have to look when I get home to see if my 1200 still has the smog pump or not. I was most likely going to bypass it anyway.
If it is there I'll let you know what it looks like after I get a chance to look it over.
Assuming it's there and looks to be in decent shape I'll sell it to you for whatever pullapart price is plus shipping.
Thanks JWD. I think it's mounted right below the #1 sparkplug.
that motor might be small enough an electric supercharger might work. very late model saturn s-series had an electric smog pump iirc.
FWIW, I doubt the charging system on that thing would keep up with the added load of a high current electric motor.
It's a six volt system and can barely keep the headlight lit. Plus, I'd like to keep the Honda content high.
Thanks for checking JWD. I'll keep looking.