Needed a bunch of deferred maintenance stuff for the E30. Because I'm cheap, I compared a bunch of different sites - rock auto, autopartsguru, autohausAZ, etc. Pelican ended up being a handful of change more expensive, but their site is incredibly well done (stuff's easy to find, it's simple to add things to the cart and go right back to where you were, and they always suggest the misc. fastenners/bolts/washers that other sites either neglect or don't offer) and I've always had great luck with their service. So I paid more.
Placed the order at 3 PM EST yesterday and the parts will be here Thursday. From CA to DC...pretty impressive.
That's all.
I'll second that: I LOVE pelican parts. Similiar experience, not the cheapest but very well organized and very quick delivery.
Aside from noting the large bill I have no preference for Pelicans over other aquatic waterfowl.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
Aside from noting the large bill I have no preference for Pelicans over other aquatic waterfowl.
It's not the pelican as a whole, but the sum of the parts.
Another "Aye!" vote for Pelican Parts.
I loved Pelican Parts when I had my POS Porsche. Fast delivery and good prices. What more could a man want?!
I also love Pelican, but if you need a Bosch electric motor (and you will), Autohaus AZ is usually cheaper.
I don't ever deal with them...
However, I have had good experience with MVP when getting parts for my Supra.
Not only does pelican keep their site well ogranised and their staff ship stuff out quickly.. they keep up and running. Need a part for a BMW? it is listed there. You can then cut and past the part number directly to the search box on pelican's site.. and if they have or can get it.. you can buy it
Pelican FTW. I almost exclusively buy E30 stuff from them. I bought a bunch of hoses and didn't install them for about a month. Come to find out one of the formed hoses has a split in it. Emailed the company, heard back in 24 hrs with a "sorry about that, we shipped you a replacement at no cost". I didn't even have to waste money shipping the dud back. Big thumbs up.
I don't know why all the Bimmerhead swear by BavAuto; I am not wowed by their pricing and their web site can't compare.
8/3/10 9:00 p.m.
They have the best service/website/tech info in the BMW market, the only reason I don't order everything from them is that they are on the opposite coast. I have warmed up a little to Bavauto lately, but their catalogs full of old man dressup parts are still pretty useless, and you have to keep them in check with price matching to get decent deals on most parts.
New Reader
8/4/10 8:33 a.m.
I'll break up this love fest.
I've used Pelican for the last seven years or so without issue. In the last twelve months, I've had two orders that missed their ship dates by more than a weeks with no explanation and poor customer support. My last order was for a suspension refresh on a BMW. Everything shipped in a timely manner except for a single bolt. It was on the packing invoice but not in the box. I went 'round and 'round with their support folks for a week. They insisted the part had been shipped because the paperwork said so (why would I lie over a $4.50 part?). I will probably not use them in the future. FWIW, I've only had trouble with BMW parts - Porsche parts seem to be no problem for them.
That is all.
8/4/10 11:15 a.m.
That's too bad there Bug, because I'll have to join the lovefest. I've had nothing but great service and parts for the E-30, E-23, and the 911SC. Of course I don't need an awful LOT of parts, but when I do, Pelican gets my business.
Pelican was always my first go-to back when I had Porsches. If I finally buy a BMW I will run, not walk, back to Pelican. They also had the most helpful Porsche forums.
I'll have to update my original post. My order shipped in three boxes from two warehouses. One box shipped Tuesday, the other two Monday. They upgraded the Tuesday box to 2nd day delivery automatically and free of charge, ensuring that everything arrives on the same day.