Okay let's try to reach some of you shiny happies out there. Let's start at the end. Sadly, this will be long.
Why do I tell you the climate crisis is mostly false (proof later). I do it because I care about my kids, their kids and all future generations. I care about your kids, your grandkids, their kids etc. I want them to live in a great place and have power, food, transportation, education, time for family friends, good communication, and health.
Now let's clear up some facts. Society is degrading and degrading fast. I've said education is failing in our country and provided proof on this forum. Some of you cried over that, but literacy rates are declining and fast. I've said cities aren't safe. Well crime is rising fast. The cost of education is rising and the quality of education is falling. Food costs, energy costs, transportation, shelter, it's all going up while wages are not growing. Who does this hurt most? My kids, your kids, their kids and all future generations. It's why I will cut you off to your face, if you ever say any of this is about the kids. It's not. Almost every societal decision is made by a very small group for what benefits them most and benefits them most now. One of you already alluded to this in a reply to me trying to back climate change as a major issue. The opposite is actually true, which we will get to.
Now let's get to another important issue. Free speech and open communication. You'll notice I didn't say communication you like. I don't care if you like it and you shouldn't either. If I'm wrong, prove it, and I will gladly acknowledge it. This is a societal problem. We have mass censorship, bans, we have biased news, we have factcheckers (which testified under oath they are just opinion writers; seriously that was their legal defense), and we have a large population of people that do not think critically (education again).
So ideally we would have a face to face conversation about issues that we differ on. You can see facial expressions, body language, hear voice inflections, etc. On the internet you can't do that. If you read something that hurts your feelings, you ban it, downvote it, or run to a safe space. You can't do those things in person. In person, you have to attempt to have a rational discussion like people. On the internet that just isn't allowed anymore (we'lll get to why and who controls that too).
Now let's talk about people. There are cold, calculating, logical, good people that see things for what they are. Most of them have given up in this day and age. I could give you a list of them by name on this forum quickly. Most of them are afraid to say anything and question anything because they get shouted down by the middle. The middle is the largest group. You all have a glorious name for them; shiny happy people. When it comes to the reality of the world most of you are shiny happies. It's not terrible, it doesn't make you bad people, but it does make it so bad people can take advantage of you. That is what I'd like to prevent. Why? Kids.... the kids. They deserve a better world not a worse one. Now there are bad people. Bad people only care about themselves as was stated above. They evaluate everything in life only wanting what benefits them. And even worse there are evil people. Evil people will destroy their fellow man and the planet to get more power and more money and they do not care about anything or anyone. That's the world we live in. Sadly as time goes on these ratios change. As the ratios change one side gets their message out better. Now, let's get one things straight, there are no perfect people. I'm not perfect. I could be wrong about everything but recent and ancient history says I'm probably not. If I'm wrong, don't complain about it, don't try to cancel me, don't downvote it because I'm a big meanie, prove it. That's a challenge in case you haven't figured it out. Are you up to it?
Now that there is some background, let's talk about garden variety scams. You know the you need to send me a code on this website and put your CC information in here now or you won't get this cool car deal on craigslist type. Well some shiny happy people fall for those scams. They just don't see it. Almost everyone here sees those are scams and tries to help others. That's good. The people running the scams are bad. They are theives, liars and actual real criminals. They shoud be punished.
So how does a scam work? Well a scam always has the same basic flavor. You need to do this right away, or else.... that's it. That's how a scam works. It's not fancy. It's not sophisticated and it's as old as bad people. Or else you won't get the millions the Nigerian prince wants to send you..... or you will get your bank account locked.... or you won't get this special deal.... or.... it's all pretty much the same.
So using simple logic, history, and factual events, how do I know climate change is a big scam. Well let's step back in time. Let's go way way way back.... to the 90s. Yah real far huh? In the 90s there was this guy Al Gore who predicted that if we didn't do X right now, by Z time the entire planet would die and everyone on it. We'd have famine, droughts, the ice caps would melt, land would be submerged, the atmosphere would fail, oceans would boil..... well the fact is Z time has passed and NONE of it happened. Zero. Zip. Nada. What did happen? Well Mr. Al Gore got rich, insanely rich. He made millions off of his predictions. Others made millions too! You and I didn't. We got less. Yes Al Gore is at best, a bad person. Greta Thunberg's parents are bad people. They are taking advantage of their child to enrich themselves and fear mongering and making predictions that won't come true. What special skill did I employ to realize this? I know some of you have asserted I'm smarter. I assure you, I am not. All I did was live and observe. That's it. I know everything Al Gore says is a lie because I watched and waited. Al Gore is a liar and he is doing it to get rich.
Guess what? Others are running the same scam and it's working! Right now! If you don't convert to EVs immediately or very very soon, the planet will die! You see the pattern of the scam? You have to do X right away or bad thing Z is going to happen.... give me money and I can stop it! That's the scam. Most scams are just like this. You want a list of scams your gov't has run on the past few generations? I can list them.
The war on poverty. Poverty won, and so did the politicians. They posed for pictures, made grandiose promises, increased taxes, passed laws, and they got rich (all for the greater good). See a pattern yet? Poverty is horrific in this country. I can show you, physically. Come to my house. We can take a 6 hour tour of the south, meet some great people, have great food, but I can show you real poverty. Most of you that downvote me probably have never seen it.
Need another example. The war on drugs! Drugs won again. The pattern is identical. Taxes up, photos, speeches, promises, laws, and the politician class got more money and more power. Fentanyl and abuse of prescription drugs makes the drugs of the 80s and 90s look like a trip to Disney by comparison. We can see the effects of this on our tour for poverty. Come to my house, I can show you. It will be scary if we do this part, and we could even be killed in the mayhem just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sound fun? I typically avoid things like this. I don't want this for kids, their kids or any future generations. The evil people don't care. The bad ones don't care either. Most of the people in the middle (shiny happy) trust the evil and bad people are actually going to fix this one..... they won't.
Want to do hunger next? We could it's equally painful. The pattern is identical.
War? Someone mentioned the Ukraine. You know who is dying? Ukranians, people in the middle and good people. You know who is getting rich and gaining power? Bad and evil people. You know who is paying for it all? Our kids, grandkids, their kids.... future generations.
You want to know how I know climate change is a giant scam. It's simple. The same people that promised to end poverty, end hunger, win the war on drugs, win the war against terror are in fact the same ones telling us all the climate crisis is real. The same two generations have been running things for the past 50 years and all of this is happening right in front of our faces. They fly around on jets, buy beach front properties and have CO2 and carbon footprints larger than the entire population of this forum combined. They are lying and I know it. If they were worrid about the people and planet they'd walk or bike everywhere. You should know it too. It's just as plain as the pylons I hit everytime I autocross. It's obvious to anyone looking. All you have to do is look and watch. Stop listening to what they say and look! It's that simple. Learn to believe what you see. Stop believing the illuminated tube in your home. It is the very thing that Orwell wrote about.
So how do I know this is bad, dangerous and will affect future generations and harm the kids? Seriously, people believing these lies harms society. Buying into this lie causes real harm to families, communities and society as a whole. Are you ready for the evidence? It's simple. We all have access to it and can see it in real time. Evidence = venezuela and Cuba. Do you want that for your kids, my kids, yourself, and future generations? That is what bad and evil people do. That's what happens when enough people believe it or just look the other way.
Our country is $30 trillion dollars in debt. We are barely paying interest on it. Our kids, grandkids and future generations are saddled with that debt. They will pay it either in economic gains or blood. That money is owed to the bad and evil that want to control everything for their own benefit. They will collect unless we start working together to stop them. It is already harming current generations. The millennials and gen Z have large student debt, poorer quality jobs, poorer paying jobs, broken homes more often, worse education, and other problems. These generations are not the problem. The older generations created or exacerbated these problems. Supporting the lies and broken promises of evil and bad people only harms these generations more. At the current rate, future generations will be even worse off.
So how do I know evil and bad people run things? They write books stating their plans. They use their wealth to control information, censor anyone pointing a finger at them, they use their wealth to fund science, politics, business, and control education. They don't spend their wealth on anything that doesn't benefit them. They never do it out of kindness unless they are good people. The ratio of good / bad wealthy people today is worse than it has ever been. The sad fact is bad and evil pay better.
How do you identify these people? It's easy. Look at the fruits of their labor. They contribute zilch and consume more than the members of this forum combined and then feed you lies so you won't question it. I can name two politicians that went from middle class to millionaires and have never won an election. How'd they do that? You should find out for yourself. I can name many politicians on all sides that have gone from middle class to millionaire and in some cases billionaire while earning an upper middle class salary. How'd they do that? That's a good question and you should look into it. These people are only in it for themselves and anything they say should be suspect. What about the media and Hollywood. These people care more about their access to power and wealth then they care about you. They will lie to you to ensure they make a bit more than the upper middle class to protect their position in society. The last real mainstream newsworthy story done in this country was when 60 minutes exposed Big Tobacco. In today's world RJ Reynolds would just buy so much ad time on the networks no one would dare say anything against them. They buy so much ad space on social media, social media would silence anyone speaking out against them. Are you starting to see a pattern yet?
Reality, you can't mix science, politics and business. It always ends up being just politics and business. Science requires reflection, re-evaluation, experimentation, and repeats. Politics and business drive towards one goal and only one goal: power and wealth respectively. Science must be independent of that or it is not science. "Climate change" is not science. The most widely published climate scientist in the world is someone you have never heard of. Why is that? You should look into it. I hate Joe Rogan. He is the fear factor idiot. He has the largest audience on the planet now too ( yah it's that bad). But did you see his two episodes on climate change? The fear mongering climate scientist refused to debate the one questioning the data. That's telling. Questioning the data is science! Saying the "science is settled" is not science. In fact it is the antithesis of the scientific method.
One side on almost all issues today refuses to debate. Anyone who refuses to debate to defend their position is a liar and should not be trusted. They are protecting the power and wealth and do not want it to be challenged in any way for the public to see.
So yes, EVs are the future. The future will get here faster and more efficiently if people stop following the bad and evil people. The future is going to be more painful if people keep following bad and evil people or simply turn a blind eye. 2% slavery brought Cobalt is okay? No that's supporting evil and bad people. That is always wrong.
Now do you want to know why renewable energy cannot sustain a power grid? I can explain that too in one paragraph. Do you want to have a real discussion that oil and gas aren't completely evil even if oil company execs are evil? Do you want to talk about how the world gets from the current situation to a better one? Would you like to be a part of the solution? Together this forum could be the driving force to energy security and independence for this country at least and maybe the planet. Or we can just continue this BS, downvoting, banning, censoring and lying about reality. I'll be honest. I'm getting really close to not caring at all anymore. The world is turning to crap and I sure can't change it alone. I'm getting old and I have a lot of good wines aged. I have a lot of hobbies. I've thought of ways I can help society in my later years, but I'm also half inclined to say F it and watch it all go to hell in a drunken stupor too.
If you've made it this far, do yourself a favor. Read a book. It's called "The psychology of the crowd." It was written around the time of the French Revolution. This book is how the evil and bad people control the narrative and flow of information. The internet and social media allowed the bad and evil people to turn the entire world into one large crowd. Crowds can do evil things to fellow man that no one would ever do alone (look at the riots in inner cities as an example). The use these tactics to whip up the crowd of the internet and social media against anyone that might shine a light on their evil. It's why I don't cave when you do it to me. I know exactly what it is and recognize it. I won't ever cave to lies and evil. I might get to the point where I don't give a crap anymore though. When the people that know and can see the lies get to this point, things will be very bad. Someone said in this topic they "unleashed the lions." Well that's not really true. There are very few lions in humanity. There are lots of hyenas and wolves (bad and evil people). There are even buzzards. There are mostly sheep, cows, goats and other non-sided farm animals. And then there are very, very few sheep dogs out there. The hyenas and wolves hate the sheep dogs. They aren't worries about lions at all.
I'm just some average guy living in flyover country that wants the future to be better. I'm sorry I can see BS and lies for what they are, but I can't turn it off. My wife hates it too. She tells me to my face that she hates it when I'm right about things like this. I actually hate it too. I'd rather be shiny and happy. It's easier. Trust me knowing what is really happening in front of our eyes brings me no joy. Watching people hope for the best and believe liars and evil people brings me no joy. If banning or censoring or downvoting me for it brings you joy, rock on I guess. I envy you your shiny happiness.
The climate change hoax is real. For crying out loud they had to rename it because too many people were looking at the data. It's being run by the same people that lost the wars on poverty, drugs, racism, human rights, war on terror and all the other ills of the world. They simply leverage each of these man made crisis' to enrch and empower themselves. You can stop them, but it takes all of you working together. I did my part. I tried to warn you. I don't want to be the leader. I will help however I can, but like an alcholic the first step is to admit there is a problem.