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gearheadmb UltraDork
7/8/23 12:18 p.m.

In reply to AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) :

You're not being censored and having the ability to downvote is another way that people have freedom of expression.

frenchyd MegaDork
7/8/23 1:02 p.m.

I wish the downvote only applied to those who choose to down vote .   Since it doesn't  it is a form of censureship.  
  I can understand those who differ  not want to read what others post. But as it is currently used,  everyone can't see  postings down voted by some.  

frenchyd MegaDork
7/8/23 1:14 p.m.
bobzilla said:

In reply to frenchyd :

1, with a range of about 150 miles. Requires 7000lbs of batteries and can carry 9 people. Eventually. 

   The Wright  bros  couldn't see just 15 years into the future  when they first flew.  Changes in those 15 years are massive maybe accelerated some by WW1,  but no matter what change and improvement is part of life.   Just like you don't stay a baby-Teenager -etc. Things change and improve.  
  In that regard I'll talk briefly about battery progress from just a few years ago to  today. 
   LMP3 batteries are now being used in Teslas model 3.  Just a minor change in construction means the standard battery pack will go from 300 mile range to 340 miles range. At a cheaper cost and lighter weight. 
     H Borophene   Is even lighter  plus it is capable of reaching full charge in less than 5 minutes. 
  Dual carbon made  from cotton  is projected to be able to last 100+ years.  As well as being light and cheaper.
      The cost of solid state batteries is the prime reason they are being overlooked  by most  at this point. But automation does hold out some hope.  
   Sorry there is a lot more to talk about. 

SV reX
SV reX MegaDork
7/8/23 1:54 p.m.
frenchyd said:

I wish the downvote only applied to those who choose to down vote .   Since it doesn't  it is a form of censureship.  
  I can understand those who differ  not want to read what others post. But as it is currently used,  everyone can't see  postings down voted by some.  

Frenchy, that's not correct. 

If a post is downvoted enough times, it becomes less visible, but a button appears that says "Show/ hide post".  Anyone can click on that button and see the post.


It just doesn't litter the thread as much.  But the post is still there, and can be seen by everyone.

frenchyd MegaDork
7/8/23 1:55 p.m.
SV reX said:
frenchyd said:

I wish the downvote only applied to those who choose to down vote .   Since it doesn't  it is a form of censureship.  
  I can understand those who differ  not want to read what others post. But as it is currently used,  everyone can't see  postings down voted by some.  

Frenchy, that's not correct. 

If a post is downvoted enough times, it becomes less visible, but a button appears that says "Show/ hide post".  Anyone can click on that button and see the post.


It just doesn't litter the thread as much.  But the post is still there, and can be seen by everyone.

Thank you for that clarification. 

Ian F (Forum Supporter)
Ian F (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
7/8/23 2:50 p.m.
Tom1200 said:

We haven't even discussed EV aircraft................perhaps in light aircraft personal drones they might work OK.

This thread is like roadkill... it's amusing to check in once a week or so and see if anything is different. 

Tom1200 PowerDork
7/8/23 3:09 p.m.

In reply to Ian F (Forum Supporter) :

Your welcome........perhaps I'll make you Minister of Memes.

Tom1200 PowerDork
7/8/23 3:13 p.m.
Indy - Guy said:

If this ship makes it to 100, it's going to be due to about 3 or 4 eager participants 

Must, must re, resist, must resist pouring a bucket of gasoline on the fire.....must resist.

Indy - Guy
Indy - Guy UltimaDork
7/8/23 3:30 p.m.

In reply to frenchyd :

With respect to Tesla buying China made batteries:


Didn't the recently passed -EV stimulus/credit require the batteries be made in the USA to be eligible?  

Certainly, Tesla wouldn't want to eliminate their vehicles & customers from being edible for that.

Opti SuperDork
7/8/23 3:58 p.m.

In reply to Indy - Guy :

Without looking into it at all, just guessing based off what you said. Tesla sells vehicles in many countries, so if a US stimulus stipulates US made batteries, then it only matters in the US. They could still buy plenty of chinese batteries for every other market.

frenchyd MegaDork
7/8/23 4:10 p.m.
Opti said:

In reply to Indy - Guy :

Without looking into it at all, just guessing based off what you said. Tesla sells vehicles in many countries, so if a US stimulus stipulates US made batteries, then it only matters in the US. They could still buy plenty of chinese batteries for every other market.

You are right, they do.  

frenchyd MegaDork
7/8/23 4:21 p.m.
Indy - Guy said:

In reply to frenchyd :

With respect to Tesla buying China made batteries:


Didn't the recently passed -EV stimulus/credit require the batteries be made in the USA to be eligible?  

Certainly, Tesla wouldn't want to eliminate their vehicles & customers from being edible for that.

The batteries are a bit different than made in the USA 

 the material  content of the  batteries.  40%  has to come from approved sources.  Australia's is one of those and the 2 lithium  mines in South  America  owned by North American companies also meet that requirement.  
 That's because even though America has the 5th most  lithium in the world  currently less than 1% is being used.  
   Recently Tesla reached the hundred million batteries mark  but that's not enough to even meet the needs of the S or X types .  To be competitive with BYD  Tesla is going to have to fully automate like BYD has done.  
 As of the 2nd quarter of this year Tesla  has sold about 500,000 cars   On pace to meet a million by the end of the year   Yes the Cyber truck is going in full production by the 3rd quarter.  

  Tesla's goal is 20 million per year  


SV reX
SV reX MegaDork
7/8/23 4:44 p.m.

In reply to frenchyd :

I realize you are not gonna change your tune, but let's just put that number in perspective...

20,000,000 Cyber trucks per year would be over 12 times as many trucks as Ford, Ram, and Chevy produce annually.  COMBINED.

Do you see a problem with that number?

frenchyd MegaDork
7/8/23 4:46 p.m.

No 20 million Tesla's per year.  Not 20 million cyber trucks. 
   I thought by separating it people would understand my meaning.  I apologize if you were confused.  

Indy - Guy
Indy - Guy UltimaDork
7/8/23 4:49 p.m.

I had my doubts, but by golly, 100 might be a possibility.


SVRex, I think he intends that to be 20 million total (cars and trucks)


Edit: looks like Frenchyd and I were typing at the same time.

SV reX
SV reX MegaDork
7/8/23 4:59 p.m.

In reply to frenchyd :

Ok, I'll reword it...

According to the International Energy Association's annual Global Electric Vehicle Outlook  there were about 10 million electric cars sold worldwide in 2022 (from all manufacturers combined).  They forecast a 35% growth of electric vehicles in 2023. That's a total of 13,500,000 electric vehicles sold worldwide in 2023.

Do you see a problem with Tesla claiming they expect to sell 20,000,000?


Opti SuperDork
7/8/23 5:18 p.m.

In reply to SV reX :

Especially with a dated line up and not much new to capture a larger chunk of market share.

The cyber truck and model 2 are still vaporware

frenchyd MegaDork
7/8/23 5:58 p.m.

  I guess I follow Elon Musk much Closer.  Because I see  the preproduction trucks going down the assembly line.  I also see the   Other 9 ton Giga  press being assembled so the next production line will come on.  (Don't know how many lines initially)    
  As far as the model 2 goes. They are working on the factory in Mexico.   But it shouldn't be ready until the 3 rd quarter of next year.  I'll let you know when they let me get my order in. 
  Part of the delay with the cyber truck is  batteries. The 4680's they will be using are in very short supply. And it takes a lot of them.  
   That's also what is holding up the Semi. -Batteries. 
  Speculation on ride quality etc in the German testing comes from 2021  not recently. 

 Finally dated line up?   The model 3 already has an updated version due out this year. Called the highlander. And following  that the Model  Y will get its up date.  Both the S & X  are too small a niche market  to have frequent updates. 
      What about VW?  Remember when they had adds advertising " How Long can we keep selling you this Line?"    Or the Porsche 911 

  I'm trying to remember how long sold the Ford Model T. 
     Frankly as long as Tesla steadily improves  the car I'll be happy. 
     I don't want money spent on the latest styling gimmick  I'd rather they improve the battery pack or make it safer as an autonomous vehicle. ( by the way that is something that every Tesla automatically does ).  If there is a tricky intersection in New York  it will learn how to deal with that before the one in Kansas.  Simply because there will be more cars passing the New York one. 

frenchyd MegaDork
7/8/23 6:07 p.m.
SV reX said:

In reply to frenchyd :

Ok, I'll reword it...

According to the International Energy Association's annual Global Electric Vehicle Outlook  there were about 10 million electric cars sold worldwide in 2022 (from all manufacturers combined).  They forecast a 35% growth of electric vehicles in 2023. That's a total of 13,500,000 electric vehicles sold worldwide in 2023.

Do you see a problem with Tesla claiming they expect to sell 20,000,000?


     You read different than I wrote. 
 I used the word Goal and didn't give a date 

   You used words like expect to sell and gave real definite dates. 
  If you read earlier in my post I said Tesla sold 500,000 the 2nd quarter  on  pace to reach a million by the end of this year. 
   I'm very Glad an American manufacture can achieve that much market success.    Some countries Tesla's are 70% of new car sales  but in many nations Tesla's are the #1 new car sold.   

Boost_Crazy Dork
7/8/23 6:12 p.m.

In reply to AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) :

SV reX said:

In reply to AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) :

Again, I have never once tried to hide anything you've said, so your accusation is completely untrue.  I have no idea what you are so pissed about.

Good night.

You did condone it and spent a lot of time trying to justify it.  The evidence is here for all to see.  Enabling and advocating for bad behavior is not doing it in that respect you are correct.  I don't think it's good though.

And you don't know me I'm not pissed at all.  I'm sad that in the USA in 2023 people believe censorship is a great path to pursue.  Maybe I'm more disgusted by it than anything actually.  Civics classes need to make a strong comeback.  

While I strongly agree with your message in broad sense, I think you are losing rather than gaining support with your targeting and your delivery. It would be like showing up to a party that you are invited to with a protest sign, screaming at other guests as they arrive. You message might be spot on, but it will get lost with that tactic. 

This isn't a debate forum, it's a car forum. That said, in the past, it was frustrating when certain topics were okay as long as the approved point of view was championed, but it was shut down when there was dissent. I think there has been huge improvements in that respect, with this and many other threads going much longer than they would have in the past. The focus appears to be more aimed at making sure people are treating each other respectfully, which I support 100%. I'm not on other social media. I like this forum because in my experience, it's full of real people, with diverse experience and opinions. It's a window into what the country is really like Vs. what we are told that it is like. The two vocal minorities at the opposite ends of any issue are unlikely to be swayed by the other side. The middle people in the silent majority might, but most don't respond well to your approach. So while I get your frustration, it's largely counter productive. 

As for the forum itself. I'm not a fan of the voting. It's often more of a popularity contest than an indicator of the quality of the post. I've frequently seen blatantly false info upvoted, and proven accurate posts downvoted. The "this post has been hidden" feature is just silly. If anything, it should be labeled "this post is extra interesting, click here." Often it is a letdown though, because the hidden post doesn't appear to contain anything juicy. Back to popularity contest I guess. I'd rather see a list of who voted for what when you click on it, that would be more interesting to me than anonymous votes.

frenchyd MegaDork
7/8/23 6:22 p.m.
Boost_Crazy said:

In reply to AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) :

SV reX said:

In reply to AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) :

Again, I have never once tried to hide anything you've said, so your accusation is completely untrue.  I have no idea what you are so pissed about.

Good night.

You did condone it and spent a lot of time trying to justify it.  The evidence is here for all to see.  Enabling and advocating for bad behavior is not doing it in that respect you are correct.  I don't think it's good though.

And you don't know me I'm not pissed at all.  I'm sad that in the USA in 2023 people believe censorship is a great path to pursue.  Maybe I'm more disgusted by it than anything actually.  Civics classes need to make a strong comeback.  

While I strongly agree with your message in broad sense, I think you are losing rather than gaining support with your targeting and your delivery. It would be like showing up to a party that you are invited to with a protest sign, screaming at other guests as they arrive. You message might be spot on, but it will get lost with that tactic. 

This isn't a debate forum, it's a car forum. That said, in the past, it was frustrating when certain topics were okay as long as the approved point of view was championed, but it was shut down when there was dissent. I think there has been huge improvements in that respect, with this and many other threads going much longer than they would have in the past. The focus appears to be more aimed at making sure people are treating each other respectfully, which I support 100%. I'm not on other social media. I like this forum because in my experience, it's full of real people, with diverse experience and opinions. It's a window into what the country is really like Vs. what we are told that it is like. The two vocal minorities at the opposite ends of any issue are unlikely to be swayed by the other side. The middle people in the silent majority might, but most don't respond well to your approach. So while I get your frustration, it's largely counter productive. 

As for the forum itself. I'm not a fan of the voting. It's often more of a popularity contest than an indicator of the quality of the post. I've frequently seen blatantly false info upvoted, and proven accurate posts downvoted. The "this post has been hidden" feature is just silly. If anything, it should be labeled "this post is extra interesting, click here." Often it is a letdown though, because the hidden post doesn't appear to contain anything juicy. Back to popularity contest I guess. I'd rather see a list of who voted for what when you click on it, that would be more interesting to me than anonymous votes.

Well said. 

Appleseed MegaDork
7/8/23 6:25 p.m.
Indy - Guy said:

If this ship makes it to 100, it's going to be due to about 3 or 4 eager participants 

Or those of us entertained enough to keep pissing gasoline on this dumpster fire.

frenchyd MegaDork
7/8/23 6:36 p.m.

Cyber truck updates?   
  They are down in New Zealand testing it for winter capability. 
      Both have the rear light bar.   But one has the power tonneau cover and at least one has the built in tailgate ramp.    Oh and these are right  hand drive version  which there are rumored  to be over 100,000  preorders for. 
  Granted that isn't much compared to the 1.9 million preorders for the left hand drive.  
  Just to be clear. Production this year will be about 200,000 

racerfink UberDork
7/8/23 6:51 p.m.

Frenchy's goal tending and goal post moving is reaching legendary status!


Steve_Jones SuperDork
7/8/23 6:56 p.m.

In reply to racerfink :

Next post is page 83!

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