I placed an order a few days ago and a few parts are backordered. No big deal. I kept meaning to call to ask them to ship the order without those items. I finally got around to it last night after business hours and left a voicemail requesting just that. I got a voicemail just now (couldn't answer) with an almost 1 minute message saying they'll take care of it and clearly giving me all the details of what will and won't be shipping. Great example of customer service! Keep it up!
They are awfully good. A lot of car shops would do way better if they tried as hard.
Thanks. There are no slackers at our shop, everyone strives to do the best job they can. I'll pass this around because all of our people will appreciate it.
And if you'd like to join us, we're hiring :)
Keith Tanner here on the forum and Flyin Miata. Major factors why I chose a Miata when I decided to buy a car specifically for autocross.
Yep, they are great people. When I still had a Miata, they were always the first place I went to look for parts. Even the NC I sold earlier this year, that has notched some FTDs in local autocross from the new owner is wearing some of their parts.
12/15/21 10:58 a.m.
The Miata community is one of the reasons I love the cars so much, and FM is at the heart of that community. And FM is what they are because of the people. This pic goes back a few years, but if you've talked to FM, it's likely you've talked to one or more of these folks:

BTW, I'm still holding out hope that Summer Camp will one day regain all its former glory... 

If only there were more Miata parts that were compatible with my Protege
BMWGeoff said:
If only there were more Miata parts that were compatible with my Protege
A Miata is compatible with the parking spot your protege uses
mr2peak said:
BMWGeoff said:
If only there were more Miata parts that were compatible with my Protege
A Miata is compatible with the parking spot your protege uses
That's true, but we're not talking about an ordinary protege. I'd love to own that car.
Floating Doc gets the Protege, BMWGeoff gets a Miata that can take Flyin' Miata parts, everybody wins!
In reply to Keith Tanner :
If I could get a race-ready Miata for the Protege, I'd be all over that, but I suspect few people would make me that offer.
If I lived closer and didn't like my new job, I would apply. Helping others with their car projects sounds like lots of fun. And FM is in some of the prettiest parts of the country, and so many cool things are nearby to see.
In reply to AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) :
I really wanted to. Wife wasn't on board.
Rodan said:
The Miata community is one of the reasons I love the cars so much, and FM is at the heart of that community. And FM is what they are because of the people. This pic goes back a few years, but if you've talked to FM, it's likely you've talked to one or more of these folks:

That picture is from 2015.
Of the 14 employees in the picture, three have retired from the workforce and are living a life of leisure. One left to become a helicopter pilot which was the long-term plan. One left for personal reasons. Those are the original owners on the far right, they sold the company to the employees and are also enjoying the life of leisure.
Of the 9 that remain, 7 are now owners in the coop. And the guy that took the picture is also now an owner and employee :)
Yet again, 12 out of 10 for customer service!
I had an issue ordering on the website, not sure if it was on my end or theirs. But they went above and beyond with patience and trying to help me. I called and we got the problem sorted and parts ordered. They (Amber?) said that the order would go in but may not get out before the holidays. No problem, these are external parts anyway. They wouldn't hold up me getting the engine in. I got a FedEx today with the parts I ordered!
Happy Holidays, Flyin' Miata! Thanks for the great support!
I posted a searate thread, but I should also do a shout out here -- the parts I ordered, late, arrived in time for under the tree! I truly expected them in January since they had to cross the border.