This is my most favouritest lesson to teach the kiddies in my Mechanics class.
It's the Square of Electrical Fun (which helps the Level 1's learn Ignition, and the Level 2's learn Starters and Alternators); Coils, Plugs, Spark, and "Pickle Theory." A little Einstein thrown in for good measure.
I really enjoyed that. Thanks for posting.
I enjoyed that one the most so far. A+ from me.
That is absolutely fascinating. I feel like I kinda-sorta knew that stuff before, but more in the sense that I knew THAT it worked but not really HOW it worked. As far as I was concerned a coil was a magic box that somehow had weird inputs and made a big output. Which is also kind of how a newborn works, but quieter.
Now updated in HD.
I wondered why it exported and uploaded and processed so fast.....