I think I have asked about this before, but I figured it doesnt hurt to ask one more time to see if anyone has any other ideas. This is a 1996 subaru legacy, and a while ago the crank pully bolt came loose and ruined the crank pulley and chewed up the end of the crank. Since the car was running fine otherwise, I got a new pulley from the junkyard and put it on with locktight on the pulley and bolt. Since then it started leaking about 1 quart of oil every 100 miles from around the oil pump, and when I tried to take it apart to fix it I cant get the crank pulley off. Do I just need to go pull another junkyard longblock and scrap this one?
what colour locktight? can always burn it off.
I am unfamilier how the subaru engines run their oilpump. Could the wobbling crank pully of put something out of round?
It's red locktite, I knew when I did it it might never come off, but I didn't plan on having the car this long lol. Now it's a matter of scrapping it for $200, or spending probably another $600 (if it needs an engine, less if not) and using it for another 6 months and selling it for $1200 or so. It still seems worth fixing to me either way. Idk exactly how the oil pump works either, but it's behind the crank pulley. I don't think it leaking is related to the crank pulley problems, but it could be.
It's possible that would cause the oil leak. My concern is that those oil pumps leak profusely on most Subies so I wouldn't condemn the motor just because of it.
In an emergency once I couldn't pull the motor so I pulled the radiator and grill. I then welded a large pawn shop socket and bolt to the pulley and used a slide hammer and a healthy serving of mapp torch to free a buggered pulley.
The nut and pulley can be real bears in the best of times though so I wouldn't give up just yet.
In reply to Travis_K:
The pump slips on over the crank.
On another note: Affligem tripel is pretty darn good beer! And it's going down real well with these hotwings!
Wouldn't scrap it just yet. 5 speed IIRC, yes? Lock the flywheel and give that bolt hell, the Loctite WILL give out before the bolt. Either that or the wedge a breaker to the floor and run it over on the starter.
No, the bolt and pulley are off, the timing gear is what's stuck. I could get a whole replacement engine for ~$300, but using this one would be easier. The end of the crank isn't in real good shape though, so I won't feel too bad if it's junk.
Ohhhh, ok then. I would suggest a steel bar with two holes and two bolts to thread into the holes on the timing gear. I have seen some that weren't threaded but a tap should solve that.
And on another side note we have moved on to a "dark" wheat beer from trader joe's that is pretty good. And my kids are building a ramp for their go kart.
OH! Timing gear is loctited as well... hm. Torch and a puller?
The holes aren't threaded, I could try tapping them and using a puller that would work that way, the only way to get a puller behind it would to smash the oil pump cover out of the way, but that's going beyond the effort I'm willing to put into saving this engine. Even if I do get it apart, the crank is damaged enough the key is loose and the pulley doesn't fit tight anymore.
In reply to Travis_K:
Well, you could just do what you are obviously wanting to do...