Not saying "learn me".
Or even : "Excuse me Honored Gentlemen, could I have the pleasure of inquiring knowledge of which I have no dexterity."
"Pardon me sirs, but i require a lobotomy in order to implant knowledge of a certain gay hairdresser's car within my person."
OrangeAlpine wrote: Not saying "learn me". Bill
Them's fightin' words. Ain't nothin' wrong with some good ole learnin'
MG_Bryan wrote:OrangeAlpine wrote: Not saying "learn me". BillThem's fightin' words. Ain't nothin' wrong with some good ole learnin'
So when will you learn to say "Teach me"?
it just seems to me that the phrase "learn me" is just a wee bit too "aw-shucks cutezy" ....
a simple ... need some help folks ... would be more effective... I certainly would be more incline to open a thread with that type of title than one that starts "learn me"
There are many colloquialisms that are incorrect in their use of grammar, but most are accepted without objection or reprimand because we understand their meaning and commonness. Such is the case here with "learn me."
Now, all of that said, and noting that I've now participated in this discussion, there's a saying I'm fond of in these cases: "This is a stupid conversation being had by stupid people." In other words, let it go.
While it is obvious that there are people coming out of the woodwork who apparently don't care for the phrase "learn me", I think a couple things need to be realized.
One is that someone at some point started a "help me" thread with the phrase "learn me" and other people started using that phrase as well.
Also, that apparently caught on and is commonly used for "help/teach me" threads and to be honest, catches the eye faster than the other phrases.
It just happens to be a catch phrase of this particular forum whether one likes it or not, just like "The answer is always Miata".
That being said, I think it was rather bold of a new member who has barely been here for a month, to come in here and ask us to stop doing something.
Also it makes it REALLY easy to search for similar threads on the googles now.
Interested n a car? Search google for "learn me" + said car. Disregard grammar stickler, acquire results.
OrangeAlpine wrote:MG_Bryan wrote:So when will you learn to say "Teach me"? BillOrangeAlpine wrote: Not saying "learn me". BillThem's fightin' words. Ain't nothin' wrong with some good ole learnin'
I couldn't love GRM the magazine or the website more, and believe me, I don't like to be the grammar police or anything or the guy who has a problem with everything thing, but I do have a problem with this...
I find it a bit offensive that you use terms like "learn me," "winter beater," and "miata" etc etc... for your little threads or whatever in the forums. I myself do not have a racecar, nor am I interested in learning or an e30 owner, but I feel sensitivity for people who are those things as I am a postwhore on the internet, and my Girlfriend is pursuing her masters in the field of Ricer-boy Studies.
These GRM phrases although I'm pretty sure are not even proper English, are obviously meant to resemble the words used to describe people with an interest in learning about cars, and it appears that they are used on these boards in a joking sense which, as I view it, makes light of people who are afflicted with internet culture and thus never learned basic literacy.
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote: "Pardon me sirs, but i require a lobotomy in order to implant knowledge of a certain gay hairdresser's car within my person."
SyntheticBlinkerFluid wrote: That being said, I think it was rather bold of a new member who has barely been here for a month, to come in here and ask us to stop doing something.
I've been here a long time, and "learn me..." bugs me too. However, compared to some of the other grammatical errors I see on web boards it's a pretty mild one.
In general, posts on GRM are pretty literate...I participate on some other boards where it can be like trying to read ee cummings poetry.
I started surfing google pix for "learn me" Then for some reason I found a QC generator. SOOOOOO I made this. LOL
A "learn me" QC code. I find it funny that something that is supposed to give you information can now be used to say "Learn me". There is some weird part of my brain that finds the irony in this funny.
Either that or I need professional help.
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