minimac Dork
2/15/09 12:31 p.m.

It looked sharp driving by so I stopped at the dealer to look, up close and personal. the first thing I saw was the engine is made in Mexico. The second thing was it was assembled in Canada. The third thing was the $37K+ price tag. The real turn off was the paint job that was all orange peel looking. $37K and crappy looking paint! I'll stick to my 25 year old 733. I work too hard for my money to settle for mediocre.

pigeon Reader
2/15/09 3:53 p.m.

Every new car I've seen in the past 10 years has crappy orange peel paint. Ever since the manufacturers started going to environmentally friendly water based paint factory paint jobs have gone to crap.

njansenv Reader
2/15/09 4:14 p.m.

Oh Noes. It was built in Canada!!! (along with all the other cars on that chassis, like the 300 and the charger. And a wack 'o Honda's, and Toyota's, and...) Where was your 733 built?

Other than the crappy paint (agreed) what else made the car mediocre? I've driven US built cars, so surely it wasn't the fact that it wasn't US built.

I sat in a 6 speed Hemi car yesterday, and was actually quite pleasantly surprised. I'm eager to hear/see how the (Canadian built) Camaro compares. That said, it's unlikely either will end up on my driveway, but that's just a taste thing.

DirtyBird222 HalfDork
2/15/09 6:23 p.m.

I love the new Challenger, only other Dodge's I like are the 300C, Magnum SRT-8 while it was around, and Viper. The rest of the cars could die and then I would really enjoy Chrysler. Jeep can stick around too.

Nashco SuperDork
2/15/09 7:21 p.m.

I really dig the new Challenger R/T. Hemi, 6 speed manual, RWD, dead sexy, lifetime powertrain warranty, and $28k last time I checked. I liked them according to the pictures I'd seen on the internet, but with the R/T option allowing manual trans without the SRT ($$$$) package, I've really been intrigued. Unfortunately, I've sat in one (auto show) but can't find one to test drive.


fiat22turbo GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
2/15/09 11:27 p.m.

The engines produced in Saltillo, MX are stronger due to the better quality casting sand they use.

gamby SuperDork
2/15/09 11:41 p.m.

Appears that a bunch of posts in this thread (mind included) have vanished. Odd...

fastEddie Dork
2/16/09 7:04 a.m.

Nah, you're just looking in the wrong thread!

minimac Dork
2/16/09 7:11 a.m.
njansenv wrote: Oh Noes. It was built in Canada!!! (along with all the other cars on that chassis, like the 300 and the charger. And a wack 'o Honda's, and Toyota's, and...) Where was your 733 built </blockquote I don't care if it was built on the long as the lunar car builder isn't pleading for my tax dollars to bail him out, so then he can hire more martians to build his cars. Btw, my 7 was probably built the same place yours was....and BMW isn't asking for a hand out.
njansenv Reader
2/16/09 7:54 a.m.

:) Fair enough.

maroon92 SuperDork
2/16/09 8:54 a.m.

Challengers are HUGE....the number 1 reason why I will never own one.

(Crown Vic's are acceptable at 4000 pounds...Challengers are not)

dculberson Reader
2/16/09 9:40 a.m.

I'm not going to say I'll never own one - that's a pretty strong statement for a car guy to make. I'm not buying one at $37k but if they devalue like any other modern Mopar, I'd have no problem buying a manual transmission one in 10 years for $4000.

"Philosophy" is a pretty odd reason to not buy a car. I just see if it's a good car on its own, not what I think it should be.

ignorant SuperDork
2/16/09 9:43 a.m.
pigeon wrote: Every new car I've seen in the past 10 years has crappy orange peel paint. Ever since the manufacturers started going to environmentally friendly water based paint factory paint jobs have gone to crap.

They also chip VERY easily.

Appleseed Reader
2/16/09 2:33 p.m.

Everything my family has owned that was built in Canada lasted forever.

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