Taiden wrote:
There are a few ebay sellers that have smoking hot deals on used afco springs. The only issue is they are much longer than what I need.
Is there any way to make two 7" springs out of a single 14" spring?
Cutoff wheel.
I cut springs all the time, never have had one problem. In situations where the cut end needs to be flat. I've heated the spring with a torch in two places and tweaked the bottom coil so the spring sits flat-ish. The bottom coil is a dead coil, you're not going to be hurting anything. Oddly enough, the last set of springs I cut was to just get the last 3/4 turn off of the bottom because I NEEDED a pigtail
WilberM3 wrote:
paging poopshovel and the Boss Hong!
if i remember correctly Hong Norrth did just that with something like a huge ford van spring for the rear of their $06 challenge car.
Yep. We actually stuffed some crx springs inside the existing stock springs up front too. It wasn't pretty, but it was almost free and WAAAY stiffer than stock.
Back when I had my SAAB 96, the factory modification/racing manual suggesred cutting the springs one coil to lower the car.
Which I did with a torch, never had a problem.
As most said, the heat doesn't travel far enough to cause any other changes.
So what are you guys doing with the loose ends?