I've got the sensor and power grounds run as 2 separate wires in my MS install - does it matter if I ground them both to the (-) battery post, or should I ground them to 2 separate locations?
Thanks! Iain
I've got the sensor and power grounds run as 2 separate wires in my MS install - does it matter if I ground them both to the (-) battery post, or should I ground them to 2 separate locations?
Thanks! Iain
My MSPnP documentation suggested using different grounds. They suggested using the motor to ground the cpu while using another location to ground the wideband. Now that I reread your question I'm not sure if that's what you're asking. I get the power ground. That's for powering the unit. But by sensor are you asking about a wideband or another sensor?
I would use separate ground locations, you may have high frequency ripple out of the ECU or a sensor or both; getting a little distance between them can help reduce problems with that sort of thing.
It's what I was always told to do with aircraft system installations in my former life as an aircraft electrical engineer and I can see how it might work out that way. Short ground wires to good grounding locations, and make sure the engine block itself is well grounded, and you should have a good shot at a trouble free install in this regard.
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