nicksta43 New Reader
7/14/09 7:02 p.m.

Let's say you have a decently good flowing stock exhaust that has peen proven on a dyno to not be a bottle neck up to around 300 hp. And you want to replace the stock mufflers for sound is there any power advantage in the different styles of mufflers?

I would think that a straight through design such as a glass pack that's perforated but not louvered on the inside would give a little more power than a super turbo type muffler, but were would a chambered muffler fall?

As far as sound I have liked the Hooker Areo Chamber on the two cars I've put them on, but I also think that it might be a little to loud for what I want now. Would I be leaving any power on the table by using a super turbo type muffler or is it just a choice of sound?

P71 GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
7/14/09 8:51 p.m.

I'm not real sure. I've heard 8 ways from Sunday that chambered mufflers rob power, and I still put them on my P71 for sound (which is fantastic BTW). It goes faster than every other one with similar mods too though, so I'm kind of convinced that at "low" power levels (under 450HP) it doesn't make a difference.

Super turbos and the like are really quiet and if they do make noise it's usually "tin" sounding. Glasspacks blow out and get louder with time. They also fart.

Appleseed HalfDork
7/14/09 11:17 p.m.

Is there anything that can't be improved with glasspacks?

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