Hello All,
I need some guidance around a "do most things" alignment for my E46 M3. It is running a TC Kline coilover set up, and has been corner-weighted so I won't be adjusting the ride height.
Everything else is stock, but I am also running a square tire and wheel set up (245/40/18 Rivals on 9 inch wide rims).
I use the car in autox, in an ST class, and for HPDE events. I also drive the car regularly -- so I'd like to minimize tire wear -- I recognize this is a compromise -- I'd like to wear out the tires before ruining the tires, especially the inside edges on the fronts. I am realistic, though -- I don't expect to get more than a season (from now to late October) from them given the events I plan.
Any recommendations?
Can anyone give me a refresher on what characteristics influence what aspects of the car's handling? For example, what does increasing toe, caster, or camber do? Decreasing?
I tend to like my car a little loose, with good turn in.