So I bought this truck for a little bit of nothing thinking I could make a buck on it. I had to put a transmission in it (primary issue when purchased, or so I thought). Now it has random misfires and at first I was thinking maybe the catalytic converters were plugged but when I had the exhaust off during the transmission swap I blew in them with compressed air and found they seemed to be flowing very well. I then went for the spark plugs which didn't help. Next was a spark test and compression test. I have excellent spark but from what I can find I have no compression on #5. (I didn't check the others) my bad... Pulled the valve cover thinking maybe a broken spring but all seems well. When the thing is running I have zero blow by coming from the oil fill cap.
I hope you can follow me
What am I missing? Do I need to edge it? (Push it over the edge of a cliff)