So originally it was a 4L60 installed behind a 305 in the S10. I have reuse the same flex plate that was perfect in the other configuration. I have now since swapped to a 700R4 and a different torque converter to match the engine and the power band (read cammed).
The transmission fit perfect everything went perfect I go to tighten the flex plate bolts to the torque converter pads and realize that I seem to have an excessive amount of gap that I don't recall having before.
I can pull the torque converter out a little bit but I don't like that solution because that's not the way to do. I have read about torque converter shims and longer bolts and think that's the way to go I've also read that some people say the amount of doubt that I have is OK can I get an opinion from the OG people here. Thanks.
Edit. Pinky in pic for size reference

That's normal. On your old trans you could have pushed it back that much. Slide it forward by hand then hand tighten all the bolts before torquing them so it doesn't cock the converter and pull the pump seal out.
In reply to gearheadmb :
But when I put the bolts in and torque them won't it pull it out further? Or am I just overthinking this. Because if that gap is acceptable then I need shims to kee that gap? Correct?
The worst thing you can have is a converter bottomed in the pump. Button it up and move on.
9/5/21 9:45 a.m.
^What they said.
The convertor needs to float in and out a bit so it doesn't chew up the pump.
Pull the convertor up to the flexplate, bolt it down and go.
bonylad said:
In reply to gearheadmb :
But when I put the bolts in and torque them won't it pull it out further? Or am I just overthinking this. Because if that gap is acceptable then I need shims to kee that gap? Correct?
No shims. Everything is at ambient temp and needs room to grow as it heats up. Slide the converter forward until its tight up against the flex plate and tighten the bolts. Not only is your gap normal it is correct and what you want to see. You are good to go as is.
All right thanks fellas I'll send it
I like to see no more than 3/16" gap, but you can fix that with washers.
Converters balloon quite a bit under load, so they have to be able to float around.