I'm doing a restoration of the front subframe from a 79 firebird and the customer forgot to supply me with the book that tells me what colors to paint different parts of the chassis (spindles, dust dhields, calipers, etc.). Is there anywhere online that I can find this info? I did some searching and came up empty.
Most bits were black or dichromate
4/1/09 10:06 a.m.
DuPont Chassis Black. Should still be available at Finishmasters or any other DuPont jobber.
Are you going for concours results, with all the paint dabs in the right places, or just something that looks good? There are entire books written about this sort of stuff, and Firebird/Camaros are well documented with lots of subtle differences (different shades and levels of gloss, different bare metal tones and so forth.) Try the Performance Years Pontiac board, there are several sections just for second generation Firebirds. http://forums.performanceyears.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=441
The old Land Rover guys try to get this detailed sometimes, but I think the consensus is that engine blocks (and other parts) were simply painted with whatever was handy at the time.