bigbens6 New Reader
2/10/11 2:34 p.m.

Something cheap, just need to be bale to read and clear codes on my own instead of messing with advanced...


fast_eddie_72 HalfDork
2/10/11 3:03 p.m.

I got this:

It's $100. Not sure if that's cheap or not. Not the most expensive one for sure. I really like it. For only $100 I figured out that the 4Runner needed a new gas cap.

twolittlebroncos Reader
2/10/11 4:07 p.m.

I have an Elmscan5 It plugs into the usb port on any PC and uses free software (OBDwiz came with mine since I purchased it through Reads codes, clears codes and OBDwiz has a cool dashboard with various guages that can be displayed for real time data.

Had some trouble with a new Windows 7 laptop and drivers, but got them sorted out eventually. I don't recall if it was a software/driver problem or a user-related problem.

Looks like it's $39.95 on Amazon right now.

I highly recommend buying the scanner through since they throw in OBDwiz for free. You can purchase through Scantool through Amazon.

bigbens6 New Reader
2/10/11 4:36 p.m.

I was more looking for a hand held kind of thing...

Zomby woof
Zomby woof Dork
2/10/11 5:12 p.m.

I bought one like this about 5 years ago. Works fine.

ddavidv SuperDork
2/10/11 5:22 p.m.

Actron makes a variety of different ones for all budgets. I paid a little over $100 for mine several years ago; they are probably cheaper now. Check Amazon and eBay for better prices.

bigbens6 New Reader
2/10/11 5:26 p.m.
Zomby woof wrote: I bought one like this about 5 years ago. Works fine.

Now thats what im talking about! Nice and cheap! It will read and clear! gonna git me one of those!!

mmosbey GRM+ Memberand New Reader
2/10/11 6:15 p.m.

I have this: It works well, but is very, very basic. It reads codes, clear codes, and reports on the readiness of each of the OBD II diagnostic systems. I've used it on a Toyota, a Jeep, and an Infiniti. It's really simple and light. I chose it over a PC connected reader, as I typically have enough trouble working on the car, and don't want to deal with a computer doing all of its computer-type things when I want to wrench.

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