We've all seen the Claude Lelouch 1976 short, "Rendezvous Paris". Someone did a spoof of it called, IRRC, "Rendezvous Brussels" and I can't find it, so I'm hoping someone here knows of what I speak.
"Paris" was a crazy early morning drive from one side of Paris to the other to meet his girlfriend, filmed in Claude's Benz 450SE then over dubbed with a soundtrack generated from his Ferrari 275GT. Here's a link to it on YooToob: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxjD_KWmxXE
"Brussels" was a drive from downtown Brussels to the airport in a Porsche 911 with the driver's spousal unit chattering (in Belgian which seems to make it even more annoying than any other language) the entire way, ending when he drops her off at the Brussels International departures curbside. She gets out, the driver takes a deep breath and drives away. I cannot find the stupid thing anywhere. Yes, I did Google, Bing, and Yahoo! searches. I searched through YooToob. No joy.
Peez hep...