this is just to prove that i did attand the runoffs on sat. boy, was it cold in the morning though. it did warm up a little bit later in the afternoon and got sunny at one point. i want to say thanks to grm joe because it was very cool that he knew who i was and remembered the beast i brought to the 04 challange along with some of my posting on here. both members of the staff where very cool and nice to chat with and thanks for the issues of classic motorsprorts guys. i totaly forgot the guy who was with joe and i am sorry for not saying your name on here, but i really didnt speak to much to remeber it off hand and i am sorry. i do remember he is from chi town for the next 6 months though..... i did meet marty from the boards when i stoped by the booth for a bit. hello marty..... i did take a bunch of pics of a few races, the problems i ran into is the lens i was using sucked and then messing with the settitng i had to much light coming into the camera, so i am sorry about the way they turned out...sigh. the 55 to 300 was way to slow for this type of shooting cause if you look at max zoom everything is so grainy.....sigh anyway, i did get some action of the v8 stang, cramit class, some forula alintic i think, and showroom stock, and some small bore stuff as the race ended. on the subject of the track, i have to say it is very pretty for the back drop and the leaves turning colors in oct has to be very cool though. getting around the track was very easy. i took my pedel bike with me to get around and did not even take it out of the car. i just moved the wagon the few times i went to check out other couners to shoot though and walked the pits up near the starting line.
just to make an extra comment, someone made a comment once going to races like this that the parkinga rea was just as much of a car show as the races...that is true, not sure how many lotus eropura that i seen off track as drivers or some of the ohter really cool stuff that was parked around.