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Travis_K UltraDork
9/29/13 10:38 p.m.

I'm thinking about getting a new DD, and I want a euro car that can be purchased for under $5k, and is European but not a BMW (I know they are good cars, I just don't really want one right now). I don't really care if its auto or manual and anything better than 23 mpg freeway is fine. Which of the 2 that I mentioned sounds like a better idea? Or maybe something else?

Sine_Qua_Non Reader
9/29/13 10:40 p.m.


Travis_K UltraDork
9/29/13 10:46 p.m.

What kind of volvo? There are lots of S80s around the same price, I want something newer than a 240 or 740 though, I have never owned a car newer than 1987, but I am getting tired of spending all of my free time replacing worn out 30 year old parts lol, replacing worn out 15 year old parts would at least be a slight change lol.

93EXCivic MegaDork
9/30/13 7:09 a.m.

I don't think the big Jag will get mileage you want but I would vote X308 over Volvo or Saab.

Klayfish SuperDork
9/30/13 7:20 a.m.

Never owned a Jag, but my last DD was an '01 9-5. I'd take the Saab every time. If nothing else, because the Jag's reliability is hideous. The Saab was a great daily commuter. Lots of nice luxury touches, handling is good, fuel mileage is OK (23-26) and just a very pleasant car to be in.

That said, I'd go Volvo too. Look at the 850 series. I had one and liked it more than the Saab.

93EXCivic MegaDork
9/30/13 7:24 a.m.
Klayfish wrote: If nothing else, because the Jag's reliability is hideous.

Not by the time they were making the post-00 X308s.

Markde New Reader
9/30/13 7:33 a.m.

Saab for sure, nice all around cars and dirt cheap around here.

If you ever get bored with it you can also very easily turn up the boooost.

fanfoy HalfDork
9/30/13 7:59 a.m.
93EXCivic wrote:
Klayfish wrote: If nothing else, because the Jag's reliability is hideous.
Not by the time they were making the post-00 X308s.

This. Plus I'd rather be stuck by the side of the road in a Jag, than bored in the Saab. And the driving dynamics of the Jag are way, way, way above the Saab's. The X308 are as reliable as the Saab. Part support is great and will stay great for the next 50 years for the Jag. For Saab?

The only reason to go for the Saab is if this thing needs to be winter driven. And I mean real Scandinavian type of winter. Than they are great.

SlickDizzy GRM+ Memberand UberDork
9/30/13 9:00 a.m.

The Saab is also the choice with the biggest aftermarket and lots of power left on the table, for what that's worth.

Klayfish SuperDork
9/30/13 9:13 a.m.
93EXCivic wrote:
Klayfish wrote: If nothing else, because the Jag's reliability is hideous.
Not by the time they were making the post-00 X308s.

Oh wait, I'm sorry. The reliability improved from hideous to piss poor. My bad.

singleslammer Dork
9/30/13 9:26 a.m.

Yeah, I am going to say neither. From what a lot of mechanics have told me, the pre face lift or so 9-5s are pretty crappy and require constant attention. I have nothing specific on the Jag. Just a feeling. I would say Volvo. An early S60 or later S80 should be pretty easy to find in this price range. Two things though. Avoid the ones with the GM transmissions and avoid AWD.

Rusted_Busted_Spit GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
9/30/13 10:18 a.m.

my 9-5 has been rock solid, its a n 03 with @195K on it. Who ever is saying they need constant attention has got it wrong in my opinion. With that being said the Jag would be very cool but if you do go for the SAAB get an Aero.

clutchsmoke HalfDork
9/30/13 10:24 a.m.

I know you said Euro, but I'll take Lexus LS400 for reliable luxury under $5K Alex. In my area you can almost get a '98-'99 LS400 for $5K. Lowest I've seen is $6500. They have double wishbones. You know you want double wishbones.

mtn UltimaDork
9/30/13 10:50 a.m.
fanfoy wrote:
93EXCivic wrote:
Klayfish wrote: If nothing else, because the Jag's reliability is hideous.
Not by the time they were making the post-00 X308s.
This. Plus I'd rather be stuck by the side of the road in a Jag, than bored in the Saab. And the driving dynamics of the Jag are way, way, way above the Saab's. The X308 are as reliable as the Saab. Part support is great and will stay great for the next 50 years for the Jag. For Saab? The only reason to go for the Saab is if this thing needs to be winter driven. And I mean real Scandinavian type of winter. Than they are great.

Have you ever driven the SAAB? (I have, but I'll refrain from commenting further because I have never driven the Jag)

Travis_K UltraDork
9/30/13 10:52 a.m.

How long should the automatic transmissions be expected to last in either one? I'm not really bothered by driving automatics, but I am bothered by the idea of buying a car that likely will need a trans rebuild in 10k miles.

93EXCivic MegaDork
9/30/13 10:55 a.m.

The most common X308 problem areas are timing chain tensioner (on pre-'00 cars, easily fixed with later tensioners), Niksal cylinder liners (pre-'00, although everything I have read says that if it hasn't shown up by now it won't because of the change in fuel), the transmission is not the strongest in the non-R models but it isn't rare and shouldn't be to bad to replace.

93EXCivic MegaDork
9/30/13 10:58 a.m.
Travis_K wrote: How long should the automatic transmissions be expected to last in either one? I'm not really bothered by driving automatics, but I am bothered by the idea of buying a car that likely will need a trans rebuild in 10k miles.

The Jag uses a ZF transmission. It is not the best but replacements aren't hard to find and if it has been serviced should last ok. I would find a X308 with full maintenance history. They seem to be easier to find with maintenance history then a comparable BMW or Mercedes in my experience and there is not much extra cost.

belteshazzar UberDork
9/30/13 11:18 a.m.

this is so hard. I love a turbo fwd as a DD. i also like orphan cars.


I bought an '86k mile XJ8 in great condition for $2,500.

Travis_K UltraDork
9/30/13 11:28 a.m.

For the price range I could get an xjr, I had considered a ls400 too, they seem really boring but I still want to try driving one. A boring trip to work isn't necessarily a bad thing lol, I have previously driven an 85 Shelby charger, 87 Alfa Milano, 83 Mercedes 300sd, and a 95 neon and 96 legacy I have borrowed from my dad sometimes. The last 3 combined have a total of about 1.3 million miles on them.

fanfoy HalfDork
9/30/13 11:30 a.m.
mtn wrote:
fanfoy wrote:
93EXCivic wrote:
Klayfish wrote: If nothing else, because the Jag's reliability is hideous.
Not by the time they were making the post-00 X308s.
This. Plus I'd rather be stuck by the side of the road in a Jag, than bored in the Saab. And the driving dynamics of the Jag are way, way, way above the Saab's. The X308 are as reliable as the Saab. Part support is great and will stay great for the next 50 years for the Jag. For Saab? The only reason to go for the Saab is if this thing needs to be winter driven. And I mean real Scandinavian type of winter. Than they are great.
Have you ever driven the SAAB? (I have, but I'll refrain from commenting further because I have never driven the Jag)

Actually I have driven both. While the Saab isn't bad, it's nowhere near the Jag. Heck, for 5k, you should be able to find a nice higher-mileage XJR.

I nearly bought a 2005 Saab 9-5 Aero with a stick and 100k miles. After driving it, I passed. I really didn't like the vague shifter, the torque-steer and the turbo lag. Also, the suspension was too stiff to be luxurious, but the car feels too big to be sporty. It's got a lot of room inside though. And the front seats are really comfy. And it gets great mileage.

I nearly bought a 99 XJR, one-owner, all receipt, 60k for 4K three years ago. The insurance and gas-mileage is what killed it for me. Plus it would have had to be a summer-only car. But has a driving experience, it was sublime. Heck, Clarkson prefers the XJR to the M5. The only thing I didn't like was that the interior was pretty small. If you're a big fellow, that could be a problem.

Test drove a 2001 XJ8 last year for fun. It was like a watered-down XJR. Not as precise, but seriously comfortable. Also, the transmission never seemed to know what to do, and was really slow to re-act. I don't remember the XJR's being like that. But with XJ8s at about the same price as an XJR (around here anyway), I would skip the XJ8 and go straight to an XJR.

mfennell New Reader
9/30/13 11:41 a.m.

Pretty happy with my 2000 XJR. 145k miles or so. Not sure you'll see your MPG requirements though. I get 20 on the highway at the 80ish mph the car wants to cruise at. 15 in typical surburban driving. I could lease a Leaf for what I spend in gas when if I use it daily.

ABS/Traction control always dies on these. For most cars, opening up the control box and reflowing two solder joints does the trick. My radio/cassette is dead but the CD changer still works. Headliners always come apart. Cheap to fix but a bit of a PITA. Superchargers rattle at idle, usually from a cracked coupler. Gigantic PITA to R&R and mine STILL rattles. Sigh.

Expect the suspension to be tired. My car benefited enourmously from some OEM bushings and Bilsteins. The shocks were ~$800 from a Jag dealer selling over the Internet.

Still love the style of it after all these years.

Travis_K UltraDork
9/30/13 12:17 p.m.

Hmm, that's one thing I didn't think about, I haven't driven either one, but I might be too tall for the jag. I probably need to drive a Saab and see what I think of it. Are there any 9-5 years to avoid?

oldeskewltoy Dork
9/30/13 12:26 p.m.

Get a nice (similar time period) Maxima and enjoy the car...

clutchsmoke HalfDork
9/30/13 12:52 p.m.
oldeskewltoy wrote: Get a nice (similar time period) Maxima and enjoy the car...

This would be the most fun out of all of them. The 5th gen could be had with heated seats and steering wheel on certain option packages.

Shaun HalfDork
9/30/13 12:53 p.m.

I still own and have had very good luck running a 1995 850 turbo and I feel like they are getting long of tooth be getting into if mine is any indication. The plastic interior is disintegrating, the bushings are crumbling, and the euro luxo barge bits are getting persnickety in their old age. Still hauls ass with 210k though. The early 2000 v70/s60s are 5k ish around here- might be an idea.

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