Are there seat covers that are compatible with seat based side air bags?
Reason for asking is that I passed a co-workers fairly new legacy wagon, and noticed seat covers on the front seats. I'm fairly certain that the car has side airbags that are stored in the seat.
I'm not the biggest fan of the guy, but I'd hate to see anyone hurt because their air bag couldn't deploy correctly.
I have seen them with velcro closures hidden under the seam.
Not sure how effective they are, but they are out there.
No, no and no.
I actually know a man who tried to sue VW for what happened to him when his 2006 Jetta with seat covers got broadsided.
That's an interesting thought. Not that I own a car new enough to have air bags in the seats but I'll have to keep that in mind if I do.
There are some covers out there that are made with the bags in mind, normally available though whoever built the car as an accessory. Otherwise don't use them.
New Reader
2/12/10 10:07 a.m. not only makes the best looking covers, they safely accomodate the seat airbags.
Fantastic fit and quality...........