Dusterbd13 Reader
9/18/12 1:24 p.m.

so i had an interesting trade offer on my quarter million mile camry. (99, beige, auto, blah blh blah.... be lucky for 2500 out of it. asking 3500 hoping for someone stupid)

my boss's husband offerd to trade me his porsche. its a 944, unsure of the year. auto, red exterior. i really need to ride over and check it out....

i have absolutely ZERO interest in keeping a porsche in my stable for long term. might be fun for a year or two, then dump it. i figure it would look much better in my bank account.

looking on craigslist in charlotte, i see aton of these for about 3000-5000 bucks.

im looking at ease of sale and return on investment within a short period. pretty much enjoy and flip. notrack, autocross, daily, nothing. own a porsche, sell a porsche.

should i? would i be better off sellin the camry straight up for ewhat i could get out of it from some craigslist guy?

lastly, any good reads on the net about 944, and what to look for on these things pre-purchase? again, looking at a year later flip.


BoxheadTim GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
9/18/12 1:30 p.m.

The issue with the 944 is likely to be the fact that it's got a slushbox. There's not exactly a queue around the block for those, which might reduce your ability to flip it.

Matt B
Matt B Dork
9/18/12 1:37 p.m.

I'm no expert (cue Maroon92), but if it didn't need any major services I'd consider it. Parts prices will be worlds apart from a Camry in some instances, and not in a good way. I'd just go over it with a fine tooth comb and make sure you know what you're getting yourself into. If it's up to shape, then list it and drive it until someone bites. Sounds like a lot more fun than a beige Camry at least.

Winston Reader
9/18/12 1:45 p.m.

I think that the reason your boss' husband is trying to trade is because he hasn't had any luck selling an automatic 944... whereas a running Camry will always find a buyer.

Klayfish Dork
9/18/12 1:52 p.m.
BoxheadTim wrote: There's not exactly a queue around the block for those, which might reduce your ability to flip it.

A queue? That's not a Nevada term, is it? I've got some co-workers who are from England, and a few vendors from Australia, and they both say queue....

Anyhow, to the OP: If you want the Porsche because you want a Porsche it may be worth looking into. If you're doing it just for a flip, I'd walk.

BoxheadTim GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
9/18/12 1:53 p.m.

The regular 2.5 8V engines are fairly easy to look after, need timing belts on a regular basis and fresh oil + filter (obviously).

The 16V need a bit more looking after due to their cam drive arrangement (timing belt goes to one cam which then drives the other one via a chain) and the fact that the chain tensioner can and does fail with unpleasant results.

Most of the 944 engines with the possible exception of the 2.7 and the 3.0 16V want to rev in order to produce decent power, which makes me wonder how well suited they are to a slushbox.

BoxheadTim GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
9/18/12 1:56 p.m.
Klayfish wrote:
BoxheadTim wrote: There's not exactly a queue around the block for those, which might reduce your ability to flip it.
A queue? That's not a Nevada term, is it? I've got some co-workers who are from England, and a few vendors from Australia, and they both say queue....

Nope, that's over a decade of living in the UK coming through . The old joke about two countries divided by a common language and all that...

You might guess that I don't exactly sound "local" to here either.

Sky_Render HalfDork
9/18/12 1:58 p.m.

I would drive a slushbox Porsche over a slushbox camry any day of the week.

BoxheadTim GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
9/18/12 1:59 p.m.

In reply to Sky_Render:

I wouldn't disagree with that at all, but given that the OP wants to flip the car, that might not be such a good trade.

Unless part of the flip includes a manual trans swap .

docwyte HalfDork
9/18/12 2:05 p.m.

You'll have a tough time flipping a 944 equipped with an auto tranny. Unless it's a car you plan on keeping for awhile, I would sell the Camry outright and buy a car you want.

Dusterbd13 Reader
9/18/12 2:22 p.m.

atm, i have 5 cars, 3 of which iu actually want and like. just looking at the best way to put the most money into the bank.

its looking like 944 is not the answer.

BoxheadTim GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
9/18/12 2:46 p.m.

It's more like this 944 not being the answer, I'd wager.

Dusterbd13 Reader
9/19/12 10:49 a.m.

true, tim.

and yet, sadly, im still tempted. just to put porsce on the long list of cars ive owned.....

probably gonna look at it friday. and let him look at the camry. worst case, maybe hell buy the camry outright, and keep the porsche.


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