If I pluck the torsen out and save it for later, could I run it in SCCA STS? Classing is listed as:
Mazda Miata (non-Torsen differential) (1990-1997)
My understanding of the rules is that you can add pretty much everything that comes on the R anyway, and the body kit would be legal to add as well since if was produced by the manufacturer and available on a model from the factory. Worst case, I'd have to swap the steering wheel, if the R came with a leather one, right? At that point, it'd just be a base with an R body kit on it, right? (Again, assuming I took the torsen out).
In reply to LainfordExpress:
Just run it in whatever new "Street" class E-Stock is going to be.
Yeah, that was my back-up... or rather 1B.
Haha, our pictures are almost the same.
Mine was severed by a shield I mounted on an S2000 so if I center-punched a cone it wouldn't rip the thermocouple out that I'd mounted in the diff drain plug to monitor fluid temps and leak baby-seal-blood diff fluid all over the place and ruin our new OS Giken LSD.
Another vote for E-stock. Right now the R package is pretty much the "it car". Now, if the proposal to add NB's to the mix goes through, maybe not so much.
I was wondering about that... I mean, how much more power does the NB have? It weighs more, and that'll matter more on streets compared to R-comps. Plus, under the new rules, they'll be on the same wheels, 15x6" (Oh, how I wish the new rules just made a standard size or each class and you could use anything between your stock size and the spec size, and then for E Stock that size was 15x7.5").
I dunno, I guess I'm not convinced it's game over for the NA just yet.
STS is still mostly NA's the 1.6's can run the VLSD, the 1.8s have to be open diff
Jaynen wrote:
STS is still mostly NA's the 1.6's can run the VLSD, the 1.8s have to be open diff
Only Miatas allowed in STS are NAs. The NBs are in STR. My question is whether a R package with the Torsen swapped for an open diff would be letter-of-the-law legal. It is certainly spirit-of-the-law legel; and I'm fairly certain it is letter-of-the-law legal... but that wouldn't stop someone from trying a protest.
How stupid is it you would have to swap the steering wheel? I swear the scca dreamt up there rule book to actively deter new people from wanting to run with them.
6/3/13 10:07 p.m.
R package = base with body kit and torsen.
Both have the same steering wheel (Non-leather).
I don't like the idea of 'down grading' a stock car to compete in a certain class. I'd run where ever it fits as it sits.