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Toyman! GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
10/30/23 1:11 p.m.
wspohn said:

I am impressed!

I spent a decade toiling in the halls of academe accumulating degrees and more than three decades thereafter in the practice  of law, which demanded precise use of language (failure to do so could be very costly as mentioned earlier in this thread) , but the last place I expected to see a thread on the subject was a car forum!

One wonders what surprising threads might come next - a wine and food discussion,  or subjects of even more esoteric interest?

There are both wine and food discussions on here, as well as cigars and other refined items of taste. 


Duke MegaDork
10/30/23 1:17 p.m.
bludroptop said:

My dictionary nerd is triggered.  Cutting to the chase....

Do you believe that we should try to adhere to "correct" grammar?  (Webster's 2nd New International circa 1934)


Do you believe that common usage - what a majority of people say - is the standard?  (Webster's 3rd New International circa 1963)

Both, a bit, with qualifications.

In general I prefer to stay with "correct" grammar, especially if there are well-established grammatical rules that can be learned and followed.  See Curtis's rant about apostrophe usage above.

I understand that word definitions drift, and in general, I don't mind that.  I don't approve when that drift happens to an extent that interferes with meaning and communication within a substantial portion of the population.


TRoglodyte UltraDork
10/30/23 2:14 p.m.

Trolling  the webs for information or Trawling?

Duke MegaDork
10/30/23 2:24 p.m.

In reply to TRoglodyte :

The latter - trawling, as in dragging a big net to acquire items.

That being said, those little electric motors you hang off the nose of a fishing boat are called trolling motors.  So what do I know.


TRoglodyte UltraDork
10/30/23 2:26 p.m.

In reply to Duke :

Maybe i should axe somebody?

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