Since this pertains to my '95 C1500, which tows my Miata to track days, it's under this forum, and not the "off topic" forum.
My truck was in an accident many years ago, and ever since then, has eaten tires, as well as the right rear axle seal. In the accident, the left side was sideswiped hard--the left rear tire was shredded, and the axle was knocked about six inches back on the spring. The body shop had the truck aligned, and noticed the left axle shaft was bent, so they replaced that only, but not the axle housing.
I used to rotate the tires on a regular basis, and I just chalked up the fast tire wear to cheap tires. Then I got a pair of snows for the rear only, so they didn't get rotated, and they wore very quickly on the inside. Now, I've got a good set of Goodyears on it, and not even 15,000 miles into their life, (50k warranty), the inside tread of the rear tires is at 6/32, and the outside is at 11/32. Both tires are wearing like this. They haven't been rotated to the front (or side--or at all).
I bungee'd angle irons to the tires, about six inches off the ground, and measured the toe. In front of the tire, it's 74 1/16", and behind, it's 73 13/16". So about 1/4" toe out on the rear axle, right? This is a solid axle, so it shouldn't be this bent, right? Can anyone else measure the toe out on their pickup truck?
I guess I'm off to the junkyard to get a rear axle, and hope it's in better shape than mine. I don't want to totally rebuild an axle--this truck now has 195,000 miles, and it's not worth investing much more in it, but it's a great truck. I'll probably have the tire shop pro-rate my tires and get some new ones. I need good tires in Michigan.
Any input to my winded post is appreciated.