I've got an older MS1/Extra on a v2.2 PCB that I am trying to upgrade to MS2. I assume MS2/Extra, but I haven't gotten that far yet. I know the 2.2 board is old and not as awesome as the 3.0. But it is what I have. At any rate, the 2.2 board is already jumpered up for spark control - I have the two IGBT ignition controllers externally mounted and driven with the jumpers from R28 to X12 and R25 to X11. Worked great with MS1/Extra with one IGBT for each side of the coil pack.
What do I need to do for spark control on MS2? The closest information I've been able to find is this section of the MegaManual: http://www.megamanual.com/ms2/vb921.htm which is great, except they only refer to the 3.0 board. It seems that all the older versions of the assembly guides that cover the 2.2 board have been purged from the internet, but I did find a link to this document which covers the 2.2 board but doesn't make any mention of MS processor version at all http://www.msextra.com/doc/general/sparkout-v22.html. Do I just continue to use the jumpers that are already there and ignore the stuff about the IGBTIN and IGBTOUT jumpers that the 3.0 board apparently has?