A customer of mine that knew I liked old cars dropped these off. There are a dozen issues of Veteran and Vintage Magazine. They date from late 1966 to late 1968. I think they are from England because the price is 3 shillings. They feature pre war cars. There is also a souvenir guide from the 1981 Bendigo swap meeting. Promised the guy that they would go to a good home. Here's my sincere effort.
Just googled the title and Ebay UK has a bunch of these. If your interested, go have a look and see if these things still interest you.
Bendigo swap meet was fun :)
But a long way to go for a few parts !
Shillings, farthings, etc, etc,. Prior to ‘68? the British currency was practically indecipherable by anyone else.
I’m off-topic as usual. I’ll go on my way now. No. I’m not interested in your magazines :-(