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Wally GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
4/30/14 8:52 p.m.

I do find it somewhat amusing that in a league that's ok with drugs, illegal guns, and the occasional sexual assault this is the only time the President feels the need to weigh in.

wbjones UltimaDork
5/1/14 6:16 a.m.

you noticed that too, did you ?

nicksta43 UltraDork
5/1/14 6:24 a.m.

I believe that if you don't speak bigoted things, there is a very good chance that nobody can record you saying bigoted things. Just my opinion.

Edit: However I believe he has every right to say whatever he wants. But, there are repercussions for saying stupid things. It's your right to scream pig at a police station but I promise that won't end well.

bentwrench Reader
5/1/14 6:29 a.m.

What's the NBA?

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/1/14 9:29 a.m.



Mitchell UltraDork
5/1/14 12:17 p.m.
Wally wrote: I do find it somewhat amusing that in a league that's ok with drugs, illegal guns, and the occasional sexual assault...

When did we start talking about politicians?

yamaha UltimaDork
5/1/14 12:58 p.m.

Headlines on my homescreen said they didn't know if the NBA could legally force him to sell the team or not.......

wbjones UltimaDork
5/1/14 3:24 p.m.

well, they are correct … the NBA can't force him to SELL … what they can do is kick his franchise out of the league … then it becomes worth little to nothing … because without the sanctioning of the NBA they won't be able to play any of the other teams … he has that option … usually referred to as cutting off ones nose to spite ones face … if he sells he realizes nearly a Billion $ (purchased for $18 M, and the anticipated sale price would be way north of $500 M

so … yeah … he doesn't have to sell

oldopelguy SuperDork
5/1/14 4:19 p.m.

The real monkey wrench is that technically in ca his wife, who was not kicked out, owns half of everything he does, including the team. Even if he was forced to sell, there's no way she could be. So at most he only has to sell half the team, and if any of his half gets sold to his wife she'll have controlling ownership of the team.

wbjones UltimaDork
5/1/14 6:35 p.m.

you'll still don't seem to get it … he won't be forced to sell… it's just that selling is his smartest move … all the NBA can do is kick him out of the club (the NBA being the club) .. they can't MAKE him sell

if he refuses, then he's going to loose lots of $$$ … but they can't tell him he HAS to sell …

they can say "sell or else" … but that's different

and I agree the wife is the monkey wrench here … but that's his problem … she is't the owner (as far as the NBA is concerned) regardless of how PRC feels about things

and if she ends up with the team … the NBA doesn't have to let her in the club … then she would be the one who would have the option … of loosing it all due to loss of sanction, or she could sell … they don't have to let her in … and keep in mind that the other owners have to approve any change in ownership

bentwrench Reader
5/1/14 7:17 p.m.

For a paltry fee I will gladly be his sock puppet new owner of the team.

It was like a lynching, mob justice, trial by TV.

"I wouldn't want to be a member of any club that would have me!" WC Fields(?)

Let he who is without sin, throw the first stone....

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