Purplehaze New Reader
6/4/08 11:02 p.m.


Screw the Olympics. Beating those wiley Czechs is of utmost priority. National pride is on the line here.

I call upon you all to better serve our country by demanding more service from your liquor store.

To the baaaaar!

thatsnowinnebago GRM+ Memberand New Reader
6/4/08 11:37 p.m.

at least we're still ahead of canada

SkinnyG New Reader
6/5/08 12:18 a.m.

Of course. Your beer sucks - you need more of it.

DirtyBird222 Reader
6/5/08 1:04 a.m.

I almost had a heart attack, I didn't read the title of the page and thought it said Spain's beer was better than ours. Time to grab a beer.........

Stuc Reader
6/5/08 7:31 a.m.

I know I'm doing my part! You all gotta' step it up

NYG95GA Dork
6/5/08 8:09 a.m.

Just a thought.. maybe they don't have liquor or wine in the Czech Rebublic. That would explain a lot.

Jamesc2123 New Reader
6/5/08 8:24 a.m.
NYG95GA wrote: Just a thought.. maybe they don't have liquor or wine in the Czech Rebublic. That would explain a lot.

But Ireland manages 2nd while being quite well known for their whisky as well...so i guess they just win.

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
6/5/08 8:29 a.m.

Czechs have a long history with beer, and they're very good at brewing and drinking it. They also have some crazy liquors that most americans wouldn't go near on a dare. They're just better drinkers than we are.

Prior to that unfortunate bout of communism, the Czechs were widely known for beer and the arts. My favorite book was written by a Czech -- "War With The Newts", by Karel Capek.

stumpmj HalfDork
6/5/08 8:43 a.m.
Purplehaze wrote: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_consumption_by_country Screw the Olympics. Beating those wiley Czechs is of utmost priority. National pride is on the line here. I call upon you all to better serve our country by demanding more service from your liquor store. To the baaaaar!

So how did you stumble across this gem? Was beer involved in its discovery?

Jay HalfDork
6/5/08 9:12 a.m.

I just bought a case of some very nice Czech beer yesterday in the supermarket. It ran me €0.40 a (500mL) bottle plus an eight cent deposit. If you guys in the U.S. can get the price of actually good beer down to that level, I'm sure you'll have no trouble keeping up.


gc1027 None
6/5/08 1:42 p.m.

They have wine and liquor Becherovka for one (it's good for your stomach). It is just that the beer is so good and so cheap (use to be anyway).

gc1027 New Reader
6/5/08 1:43 p.m.

Plus until we develop a taste for beer for breakfast, we probably will never catch them.

Purplehaze New Reader
6/5/08 3:33 p.m.

Perhaps the Czechs drink not because they can, but because they must drink, or perish of sorrow. In which case maybe 14th isn't a bad rank after all.

nutherjrfan New Reader
6/6/08 6:14 a.m.

wellllllllllll, i've only just started drinking the jamies in my dirtys. tonite, i started/finished up with fisherman's "brew", going to bed with a Augusfinerbrau Munchieu. Love Budweiser when ice cold, and in a bottle. Guinness is a waste of time over here, no alky init. As for Eire being no.2 on beer, I'm personally holding that number up with Bud bottles, despite all my bartenders literally throwing the jamie down my gullet.

Jay HalfDork
6/6/08 6:48 a.m.

See, now that's part of the problem. "Bud" isn't beer so those statistics don't count it.


SupraWes HalfDork
6/6/08 4:13 p.m.

Do some research before you say American Beer sucks. Outside of Belgium we have the best beers in the world.


Mental SuperDork
6/6/08 4:52 p.m.

Butt Budwieser did originate in the Czech republic. Tha family broke and came to amaerica to make Bud, but the Budvieser family continued making good beer back home.

NYG95GA Dork
6/6/08 6:06 p.m.

15 years ago my sister married a fellow from Belfast. When his large family came to town for the wedding, I invited them out to what we call a Tavern. I served them up some Coors (my favorite at the time), and they pretty much refered to it as bottled water.

I kept them at bay for awhile with room temp Guiness,but it was a lost cause..

Hint: Never try to out-drink a genuine Irishman; litres later, you will be under the table, and they will not have even gone to the restroom.


grtechguy Dork
6/9/08 7:29 p.m.

hmm....I'm pretty sure I consume more than 21.6 gallons of beer per year.

but, I'm predominantly German so that could explain it

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