6/20/10 5:04 p.m.
Don't know if this is been thought of before. Was driving to work this afternoon and the local sports talk radio drifted onto the topic of disaster movies, primarily plans for the Zombie Apocalypse. Now the mike jock didn't have too good a plan as he didn't have ready access to weaponry (plan was to go to Home Depot and buy machetes then look for weapons), didn't have a ZAV (plan was to steal neighbors) and then go to Walmart. However, the best part of his plan was to actually seize and hold the local Walmart (saving the contents for himself and his friends). His reasoning being that it had everything needed for survival:food, clothing, guns and ammunition. Any thoughts?
I'm ready . . .you don't mess with me . . .I don't mess with you 


i would be pissed at that many FTFs on the .45.
My elcheapo sigma has nevered failed to feed or fire and I usually shoot the cheapest junk I can find.
Good shooting. The indoor range I use only runs out to 15.5 yards.
Know what could make a Wal-Mart tough: all that spoiled food. I'm assuming you'd eventually lose power. No power + tons of meat = stinky. I guess you could cart it away, but then you'd be vulnerable.
One of my best friends has something like 500+ guns prob closer to 1000. If it ever happens we're taking the protege of doom to his place then hightailing it for homedepot. I work at one, Do you know what kind of zombie scrambling items I could build with the stuff in that place. It's almost a weekly thing that I look at an item and say DANG I bet that would work great for zombies!
Any 24 hour business is likely to be infested with zombies which must be cleared prior to occupation, you'll need to construct a Zomboni.
6/20/10 7:14 p.m.
Spinout007 wrote:
...Do you know what kind of zombie scrambling items I could build with the stuff in that place. It's almost a weekly thing that I look at an item and say DANG I bet that would work great for zombies!
Home Depot rents out wood chippers, right?
6/20/10 7:38 p.m.
What's the egress strategy from Walmart when it gets like Dawn of the Dead with thousands of zombies outside and you eventually run out of food and water? I don't like the idea of holing up someplace that I can't get out of easily.
6/20/10 8:04 p.m.
I only have one 9mm. After loading up my non-zombified friends and neighbors in the van, the first stop is going to be the sporting goods store for rifles, shotguns, and ammo. Probably get some other handy gear and clothing. The local Big 5 also happens to be right next to OSH and Safeway. Everybody goes to Home Depot for hardware. OSH will be less busy and is smaller so quicker and easier to clear.
I think the next stop after weapons, hardware, and a few foodstuffs would be REI. I can raid the expensive clothes/camping gear. Walk out with plenty of lanterns, GPS devices, hatchets, more clothing, water filters, and lots of freeze-dried meals.
depending on the ammount of people in said walmart, you could subside for YEARS on non-perishables and water...
there may even be enough water to construct a pool in the middle.
I would head for the hills and go to a sizable lake, construct an atoll in the middle of the water in order to create a buffer zone. This will get you through the spring summer and fall, for winter freeze-over you might want to be foraying into getting a seaworthy vessel and start rigging to try to be self sustainable at sea. Or similar plan with the atoll down south.
6/20/10 8:34 p.m.
In reply to racinginc215:
Don't you remember the end of 2004's Dawn of the Dead? They went out on a boat to an island in Lake Michigan and there were killed by zombies.
6/20/10 8:43 p.m.
I would worry about post apocalyptic cannibals raiding Walmart for tasty humans. Personally, were it to go all wonky, I'd RAID walmart for guns, pile the whips full of sustainibles from the local grocer, and get me a pile of dirt and seeds from the garden store. Hole up in my 3rd floor apt (and yes, I already have contingency plans for blocking off the entries to the stairs, and bunkering the underground garage) and plink zombies at will. Were it to get REALLY bad, the highway is literally at my front door, and I'd high tail it north. Something tells me zombies freeze easier than Canadians do. In the mean time, I'd get my garden on on the balcony, and mebbe get some chickens goin' in a neighboring apt. Concrete floors and walls mean that the zeds aren't likely to get in too easily, and I'd straight up block off first floor to prevent anyone from trying to sneak in via patio.
6/20/10 8:51 p.m.
CSU Sacramento has one building that was designed to withstand 1960's riots. Very defensible. I believe it's 4 stories total. The lowest floor is kind of basement-ish substory with no stair access to the upper levels. The main floor is a half story up with one narrow walkway on each of two sides. Basically a nice choke point that can be defended by minimal people. Funnels zombies up in a single file line to be taken out by anybody with a decent rifle. No windows on the first floor or sub-floor, either.
Lots of rooms, and I'm betting it even has a backup generator.
Build your garden on the roof. Not to mention the greenhouse and biology labs a short sprint away for when you have a few extra moments. If you get bored, sprint to the library and grab a handful of books.
I'd probably rig up a zip-line on the roof leading to a tree with an emergency escape vehicle parked next to it, should the defenses get completely overrun.
When the poop hits the fan I am heading back home. Already hav the route mapped as to not have to take the interstate.
My BOB and BI bags are ready to go and my truck will almost make it on one tank of fuel. In case it doesnt I have a pump in the tool box so I can find a downed big rig and fill up from it.
The old tractors are ready to go and you can see anything or anyone coming for miles. Fairly easy to defend only two roads in and out. With the well water, crops, rivers/streams and large amount of deer you should be able to feed a family for years.
Oh yeah saw this at the bookstore the other day debating on it. Might be handy to communicate with them.
How to speak zombie!

NYG95GA wrote:
Spinout007 wrote:
...Do you know what kind of zombie scrambling items I could build with the stuff in that place. It's almost a weekly thing that I look at an item and say DANG I bet that would work great for zombies!
Home Depot rents out wood chippers, right?
Yep! And we have several in stock. BIG LPG Forklift, multiple wood chippers, metal plate, welders, lots of sharp pointy objects..... Oh yeah, it could get NASTY! And a big flatbed F250 that we bring inside on the weekends.
It's an idea so nice he had to say it twice.
I'm going to gather up as many non-zombie buddies, as aforementioned, and make sure my arsenal is added to theirs. My aim continues to get better and better with each visit to the range so I can only imagine how nice my aim will be in 2012, LOL!
In reply to racinginc215:
In the ZSG, Brooks mentions that you have the posibility of zombies stuck in life jackets that could float by, and zeds walking across the bottom, if the find your anchor chain, making their way up. Not to mention complication with the weather and other issues that will arise on open water.
6/21/10 12:16 a.m.
In reply to David S. Wallens: If I recall Walmart sells generators, hook them up to run the walkins. Most Walmarts sell gas now, so fuel shouldn't be a problem (getting it might be problematic after a while). As for escape plan in case of being overrun, keep ZAV's in the automotive section ready to go at a moments notice. Remember to be nice to the people that are in the store to keep from being voted out of the Walmart. In case of Zombie Apocalypse, would there be a special allowance for a Zomboni at the Challenge?
It was my understand that zombies had to smell you, so I would think if you're far enough out they'd never know you were there.
I spent a year working third shift at Sam's Club and during that time i determined it was the perfect place to survive the zombie apocalypse.
-Hundreds of pallets of canned goods and bottled water.
-Only windows are the doors, which you can block with pallets and forklifts
-Can bring your ZAV into the receiving area via a ramp and big door.
-If you do get trapped inside with zombies, you could construct an "upper level" using the storage steel. There are also a couple of really hard to access areas in the store.
-Can use the roof to garden provided you have soil/seeds.
-Depending on the number of surrounding zombies, Sam's Clubs are almost always next door to a Wal-Mart, so you can pop over and grab guns.
Of course none of this matters because about 800000000 other people will have the same idea, making it impossible to secure a store like this.