914Driver HalfDork
8/11/08 11:33 a.m.

Maybe the sky isn't falling. Perhaps he downsized his home, auto and jet to make HIS carbon footprint small enough to justify this toy. It's a nice one.


Salanis Dork
8/11/08 11:39 a.m.


ignorant SuperDork
8/11/08 11:46 a.m.

this guy is an idiot. I like his messages but you gotta live up to them. I think he'd like the rest of us to be green so he dosen't have to alter his lifestyle. LAME! I just hope it dosen't detract too much from his message. Ok.. to late it does.. THANKS AL!

ClemSparks SuperDork
8/11/08 12:53 p.m.

That thing is bigger than my house by a fair margin (maybe 2 or 3 hundred percent?) and costs many times what my house costs.

I don't like him as the self-proclaimed "green" crusader because he's got a narrow focus (it's not JUST carbon) and he's such a political target.


nocones GRM+ Memberand New Reader
8/11/08 12:58 p.m.

I have an extremely hard time believing that that boat only uses 2 gallons of fuel per hour.

Salanis Dork
8/11/08 1:04 p.m.
nocones wrote: I have an extremely hard time believing that that boat only uses 2 gallons of fuel per hour.

Maybe idling.

914Driver HalfDork
8/11/08 1:15 p.m.
nocones wrote: I have an extremely hard time believing that that boat only uses 2 gallons of fuel per hour.

Sure it does. Tied up in a cove bonding with nature, 2 gallons per hour runs the generator so you can have sattelite TV, your internet access to keep in touch with the the other greenies, of course Wii for a little exercise. The light bulbs are the new mercury filled flourescent ones, cheaper to burn all night. But wait, if he cut a check to someone, couldn't he buy back his carbon damage?

I think the jet ski uses more that 2 gallons per hour, but I can't keep my foot out of it....


porksboy HalfDork
8/11/08 6:50 p.m.

How much of a carbon foot print does the Secret Service create to keep up with him? It would be a lesser impact if he were to stay put in a house and they could hang around the grounds in stead of tooling around in power boats to look out for the baddies. Dont get me wrong, I may not like the man nor agree with his views but he does deserve and need the S.S. protection, He just creates a larger impact/ foot print than Joe Sixpack when he goes out on his boat.

fastEddie Dork
8/11/08 9:40 p.m.

Do as I say, not as I do.

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