2/18/17 7:30 a.m.
Looking for some software to make some minor edits to cell phone and gopro shots. I'm used to Lightroom from my DSLR days but not interested in spending $10 a month for it. What's a good alternative that I can buy/ not pay monthly for? Really doesn't need to be all that powerful.
I loathe subscription based software. Another Gimp vote.
iirc, there's you can still purchase Lightroom5 for "offline use" without the subscription portion for $150
I use Affinity Photo. It's more of a Photoshop replacement (or at least an attempt to provide a Photoshop replacement) than a Lightroom replacement, but will probably do what you need and a lot more. I find it's priced pretty reasonably as well ($50 for either Windows or Mac).
2/18/17 9:51 p.m.
Paint Shop Pro or Adobe Photoshop Elements? There is an elements deal for $69 right now and PSP is in that neighborhood.
I really like the PSP story: A pilot didn't like the cost of Photoshop, so he made PSP. It was distributed as shareware for a long time before he cashed in with Corel. Vice actually just did an article on the guy: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/how-an-airline-pilot-took-on-adobe-photoshopand-nearly-won
It's amazing what you can do on the iPhone these days. Be sure to check the software that came with your phone and GoPro first!
I have to have a subscription for work, so I am a Photoshop Fan, but I would assume Photoshop Elements is a good alternative.
I use and love GIMP, but for minor editing it's overkill and the learning curve is fairly steep. Pretty much any editing software, free or not, will enable you to adjust the basics.
I don't know how in-depth you want the editing to go, but I have great luck with Irfanview. It allows rotation, cropping, color balance correction, and other minor edits like that. It has awesome batch conversion tools for processing any number of images automatically. Ie, if you're resizing a bunch of pics to the same size. I can blaze through a directory of a hundred pictures in a few minutes, compared to an hour+ with most software. There are keyboard shortcuts for everything so you can do it all from the keyboard if you want lots of speed.
Anything that's beyond Irfanview's abilities, I use GiMP, but it's been a long time since I've needed it.