Are we seeing the beginnings of an angry revolution? Maybe the increasingly frequent mass shootings have a deeper cause than simple gun fascination or mental issues?
There is a big imbalance in rewards for work. An imbalance beyond what effort, luck, connections etc. would suggest.
Henry Ford became the richest man in America from modest beginnings simply by bringing mass transportation to the People. I don’t see that pathway available anymore. From an objective standpoint it’s highly unlikely under present conditions that possibility will reoccur.
Rednecks, Blacks, farmers, poor, women, minorities, middle class white men, we all feel the deck is stacked against us.
In fact it really is. There are 77,000 pages in the tax code maybe 25-30 apply to all of the above. That’s not even considering the legal precedents which are only available to those who can afford $1000 an hour legal fees that will likely run into the millions.
The recent change in the tax laws only amplifies that divide. In the past hard working intelligent people could find in those 25-30 pages a path to family success and wealth. Become a successful Doctor, Lawyer, computer security specialist etc. and you got a big deduction by owning an expensive home.
Not anymore. You are limited to only $500,000 and once below a certain point it’s better to take the standard deduction.
While a $500,000 home may seem like a lot to some the step from there to the 1% is so giant as to be impossible.
There is a temptation to blame the political parties.
Don’t, the system is set so the election of a candidate to state or national office requires millions of dollars or hundreds of millions of dollars. That doesn’t come from the $15-20 contribution, it comes from those with billions or hundreds of millions to protect. In exchange for those giant contributions they get access to the politicians and it naturally follows that to get re-elected they will continue to do their bidding.
Both parties work that way so let’s keep politics out of the discussion on how we the people regain the power that will stop the violence.