Thanks very much to the many of you who offered me help and well-wishes when I mentioned that I lost my job. I can't legally say much but the company that down-sized me outta a job is being very underhanded in many ways. This shows me that it is indeed a blessing not to be working for them anymore. As soon as I got canned (literally within 2 hours of being told I was a gonner) I jumped on the horse and started looking for a job. No I don't have one yet but I do have interview #2 Thursday. That's the second interview with the same company not just another interview. It's no longer in the automotive industry directly but for a robotics company that makes assembly line robots among other things. Anyway, I just wanted to let some folks know because it seems many of you were generally interested in helping me. Thanks a lot. I answered a CL add for a Arabic belly dance instructor. I can only assume when I showed up white, fat, balding and totally lacking any semblance of rhythm, talent or ability they declined to let me even perform!?!?!?