Colin Wood
Colin Wood Associate Editor
9/30/24 9:48 a.m.

Talking about whether or not anyone buys music anymore made me think about my cousin up in NYC.

I try to stream her songs as often as possible (mainly because I really enjoy her songs), though it's probably about time I order an album or too...




Does anyone else have talented family members they'd like to show off? The talent doesn't have to be music-related of course. (Bonus points if they sell anything, though, as I'm always down for helping out a fellow artist.)

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
9/30/24 9:53 a.m.

Hey, I also have a cousin up in New York who makes music. (He’s the one with the red guitar.)


TheRyGuy Reader
9/30/24 12:15 p.m.

I have a cousin who is an independent animator, she co-founded her own company called Sunshine Mall.

Growing up, her parents owned and operated a little country corner convenience store, and much inspiration for characters was "drawn" from that experience.


glueguy (Forum Supporter)
glueguy (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
9/30/24 12:20 p.m.

Slightly different but a nephew is a national tv reporter.  Odd/cool to turn on the TV and see him.

thewheelman Reader
9/30/24 12:53 p.m.

Somewhat music related: My sister danced all through school (ballet, tap, hip-hop, contemporary/lyrical). While in middle school, she was a Barney cast member (Hannah), and still gets recognized for it. After graduating with a dance minor from Texas A&M, she opened her own dance studio, and is celebrating her 15th year in operation this year. 

If you live in the Wylie, Texas area and have kids interested in dance, please look her up. In my totally unbiased opinion, she's the best around. Her business is a class act, and the recitals are production masterpieces. 

Red Door Dance Academy

SV reX
SV reX MegaDork
9/30/24 12:55 p.m.

My son has earned a couple Emmy's for his video work. 

My DiL has had her photos printed in Smithsonian. 

My brother was Wes Craven's assistant (which means he had screen time and quite a bit of time in the director's chair).  Producer for "New Nightmare", "Nightmare Cafe" and "Vampire in Brooklyn"

My cousin (who was raised with me like a brother) is the President of FX Network. (30 years of producing including shows like West Wing, Friends, and JAG)

My father was a jazz musician.

I've been the special effects coordinator on several movies. (That doesn't count, but it was fun!).  I have 72 shows on my theatrical resume.

4 people in my immediate family with IMDb pages.

Floating Doc (Forum Supporter)
Floating Doc (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
9/30/24 1:17 p.m.

A sample of my dad's work:

Self portraits, about 45 years apart.

My brother's portrait of Bob Marley. I don't know why it's rotated when the others were okay. Obviously some bugs to sort on the new server.

My great grandmother painted this when she was 16, in about 1880.

My sister has a vocal performance degree from Julliard. 



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