HiTempguy SuperDork
11/15/11 10:24 p.m.


I really have NO opinion/idea on this. I'm looking for more information. What can the GRM'ers tell me, if anything? The article's slant is ridiculous, but do note that one of the pictures quite clearly has airplanes in it.

DoctorBlade Dork
11/15/11 10:43 p.m.

Some of that has been debunked elsewhere. I think it's gawker trying to boost pageviews again, like their "photo" of a C7 'Vette.

peter Reader
11/15/11 11:07 p.m.

there must be a bunch of tweaking done to make the images of a curved surface work on a flat monitor. Those razor-straight (on your monitor) lines of some of those smack of something (more likely someone) wonky in the photo-processing stage, more than someone painting alien billboards on a 3D surface... but what do I know?

fasted58 SuperDork
11/15/11 11:13 p.m.

I jus hope the space aliens land in the American SW before China... well, waitaminute maybe not

64chrysler300 New Reader
11/16/11 1:12 a.m.

The round one with the trucks and planes looks like a blast arena. Testing blast radius, frag damage etc.

JoeyM SuperDork
11/16/11 5:36 a.m.
DoctorBlade wrote: Some of that has been debunked elsewhere. I think it's gawker trying to boost pageviews again, like their "photo" of a C7 'Vette.

^^^This is one of the reasons I stopped reading Jalopnik. The quest for unique page views is also why they have so much celebrity rubbish. The other reasons would be:
1 - snarky comments about builds.
2 - They lost or drove away Sam Smith and Murulee Martin, the only authors there who I really enjoyed reading. (Irony alert: Go read jalopnik's Awesomeness Manifesto....notice how prominent a part of the plan Sam was supposed to be)
3 - The large amount of non-vehical content....When there arehurricanes black outs on the east coast, I will turn to CNN, not to jalopnik

fastEddie SuperDork
11/16/11 7:36 a.m.

Is it more legit if it comes from Wired first?


Ian F
Ian F SuperDork
11/16/11 7:41 a.m.

Cheap labor and a huge budget surplus can result in some strange projects...

MadScientistMatt SuperDork
11/16/11 7:53 a.m.

And China has developers that get started putting in a neighborhood and run out of money just like we do. Only they sometimes get a city built (and not occupied) before that happens.

1988RedT2 SuperDork
11/16/11 8:14 a.m.

What's the matter with you people? Clearly, it's an airport for UFO's from another planet. They have taken all our money in exchange for cheap goods, and now they've promised our country to a race of little green men with superior technology. It's only a matter of time before they start systematically decimating us with their death rays.

FlightService Dork
11/16/11 9:25 a.m.

I would think it is projects for population.

China has a crazy way of dealing with their population influx.

Maybe from a certain dictator's nation that borders them failing and needing a place to relocate them from all the refuges?

JoeyM SuperDork
11/16/11 7:32 p.m.
1988RedT2 wrote: What's the matter with you people? Clearly, it's an airport for UFO's from another planet.

Nah, that was built in New Mexico.

mmosbey GRM+ Memberand Reader
11/16/11 7:40 p.m.
JoeyM wrote:
DoctorBlade wrote: Some of that has been debunked elsewhere. I think it's gawker trying to boost pageviews again, like their "photo" of a C7 'Vette.
^^^This is one of the reasons I stopped reading Jalopnik. The quest for unique page views is also why they have so much celebrity rubbish. The other reasons would be: 1 - snarky comments about builds. 2 - They lost or drove away Sam Smith and Murulee Martin, the only authors there who I really enjoyed reading. (Irony alert: Go read jalopnik's Awesomeness Manifesto....notice how prominent a part of the plan Sam was supposed to be) 3 - The large amount of non-vehical content....When there arehurricanes black outs on the east coast, I will turn to CNN, not to jalopnik

Exactly this. Gizmodo is the same way. First they have the silly issues with commenting: "Oh, you've posted, but you can't see your post. Mostly, nobody can see your post. If someone likes what you wrote, they may promote it, and give you a star. After you have a star, your post still may or may not appear, or your account will disappear, and we won't know anything about it." Then, there was the breach. Then, there was the redesign, and in the last three to five months, Jalopnik has done what you said, and over at Gizmodo, well, yesterday they ran a story on a woman who thought a rotting vegetable was an alien, so she left it in her fridge for months.

Now, Gizmodo has always posted the occasional WTF bit of news, but now, gadget news comprises about 30% of their content.

I can't seem to quite get as into Hooniverse and TTAC, but I try.

I miss all the 'caminos of the Jalopnik of yore.

pinchvalve GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
11/16/11 8:07 p.m.

Whatever they are building, you can bet that it contains high levels of lead.

DirtyBird222 SuperDork
11/16/11 8:26 p.m.

The Mongolians and people of Kazakhstan might want to watch out for whatever this thing is. http://maps.google.de/maps?q=44+42'40.81%22N+93+31'46.18%22E&hl=de&ll=44.70307,93.511505&spn=0.155441,0.32341&sll=51.151786,10.415039&sspn=22.253302,53.745117&vpsrc=6&t=h&z=12

turboswede GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
11/16/11 8:28 p.m.

technologizer and engadget have replaced gizmodo.

Jalopnik hasn't been completely replaced by TTAC and hooniverse, but GRM has more than filled that void without being anywhere near as snarky.

Honestly after I tried to provide some constructive criticism to the poor bastard that was "promoted" to running the site, who then turned around and read me the riot act, I vowed to never visit another gawker website and plan to uphold it. Screw em, let em flounder.

As for the Chinese, well they will take over the world, if they don't destroy it first.

JoeyM SuperDork
11/16/11 10:05 p.m.

I also tried to offer Ray an opinion. He was polite, but haughty/aloof. Honestly, I was impressed that he wrote back...he didn't like what I had to say though. No matter...I am done with them.

mmosbey GRM+ Memberand Reader
11/16/11 10:08 p.m.
turboswede wrote: technologizer and engadget have replaced gizmodo. Jalopnik hasn't been completely replaced by TTAC and hooniverse, but GRM has more than filled that void without being anywhere near as snarky. Honestly after I tried to provide some constructive criticism to the poor bastard that was "promoted" to running the site, who then turned around and read me the riot act, I vowed to never visit another gawker website and plan to uphold it. Screw em, let em flounder.

What do you expect? You're just a peasant.

I like Liliputing, but they're not as broad as good old Gizmodo and Engadget. I'll check out Technologizer.

novaderrik Dork
11/16/11 10:22 p.m.
DirtyBird222 wrote: The Mongolians and people of Kazakhstan might want to watch out for whatever this thing is. http://maps.google.de/maps?q=44+42'40.81%22N+93+31'46.18%22E&hl=de&ll=44.70307,93.511505&spn=0.155441,0.32341&sll=51.151786,10.415039&sspn=22.253302,53.745117&vpsrc=6&t=h&z=12

looks like a perfectly laid out set of dirt paths if you zoom way in.. there are access roads going to them from the main roads.. maybe they make all the political prisoners walk back and forth on them all day long..

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