Wally GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
9/3/08 2:19 a.m.


The Clbuttic Mistake: When obscenity filters go wrong President Abraham Lincoln was buttbuttinated by an armed buttailant after a life devoted to the reform of the US consbreastution.

By Matthew Moore Last Updated: 4:26PM BST 02 Sep 2008

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Abraham Lincoln: A victim of buttbuttination? Not an extract from an essay by a particularly poor history student, but a selection of the nonsense phrases created by automatic software designed to remove offensive words from articles posted on the internet.

The phenomena, known as “The Clbuttic Mistake” after a mangling of the word “classic” that is believed to be the first identified instance of the problem, can be found on tens of thousands of websites.

The error is caused by poorly programmed anti-obscenity filters – similar to spell checkers – that automatically replace words considered rude or offensive with more acceptable variants. “Butt” replaces “ass”, “breast” is substituted for “tit”, and so on.

Rudimentary versions of this software do not just replace obscene words, but also alter longer words which contain banned letter combinations, so "assassination" becomes "buttbuttination", "passenger" becomes "pbuttenger", and "passerby" becomes "pbutterby".

The problem is fairly widespread; Google searches turn up 3,810 results for “clbuttic”, 5,120 for “consbreastution”, and 1,450 for “Buttociated Press”, a corruption of the US news agency the Associated Press.

Perhaps the most celebrated instance of the Clbuttic Mistake comes in an article currently visible on the website jucee.org .

It contains mentions of a “series of previously secret Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plots to buttbuttinate foreign leaders”, a law “pbutted by Congress”, and new powers "butterted" by the US administration.

Another article on the site is titled “What did the British Embbutty do for this British National Overseas pbuttport holder.”

The error appears particularly common on foreign sites hosting English-language articles, but a similar mistake on an American Christian news website caused international amusement earlier this year.

The American Family Association had programmed its filter to replace the word “gay” with “homosexual”, causing an article about sprinter Tyson Gay’s triumph at the US Olympic trials to begin: “Tyson Homosexual was a blur in blue, sprinting 100 meters faster than anyone ever has."

Further on in the piece the runner was referred to as “the 25-year-old Homosexual”

On the many websites and message boards devoted to identifying new instances of the Clbuttic Mistake, the greatest source of confusion appears to be the choice of banned words, and particularly whether “ass” is really more offensive than “butt”.

captainzib Reader
9/3/08 9:34 a.m.

I think schools should just adopt the GRM message board filter.

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand Dork
9/3/08 10:00 a.m.
captainzib wrote: I think schools should just adopt the GRM message board filter.

Or the Something Awful filter:

Berkeley = Gently Caress

Asshat = Rear End in a Top Hat

Bob Costas = Stinkyhole

E36 M3 = Poo Poo

Man I wish I could remember them all...

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
9/3/08 10:02 a.m.

The trick is to not be overly restrictive. Ass turns up in a lot of words, and can be used in entirely non-obscene ways. Shiny happy person, on the other hand, is always an epithet.

captainzib Reader
9/3/08 10:04 a.m.

Awww, what the berkeley, Bob Costas is a substitute for something else?!!!

I thought you guys just really hated Bob Costas.

John Brown
John Brown GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
9/3/08 10:19 a.m.

If you call someone a Bob Costas I bet you REALLY mean it.

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
9/3/08 10:41 a.m.

Bob Costas happened to be in the conversation alot just about the time we needed a new filter. I believe it was John Brown who suggested it. He's a recent addition. Margie really does hate him. No substiution going on there.

Per Schroeder
Per Schroeder Technical Editor/Advertising Director
9/3/08 11:01 a.m.

Maybe we should change Berkeley to Minissan in the filter.


ignorant SuperDork
9/3/08 11:37 a.m.

buttbuttination.. Classic.

GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand Dork
9/3/08 11:59 a.m.
Tim Baxter wrote: The trick is to not be overly restrictive. Ass turns up in a lot of words, and can be used in entirely non-obscene ways.

sort of like "Bob Costas" in Bob Costascat and Bob Costaswillow

captainzib Reader
9/3/08 12:35 p.m.

Ah ha...

I'm on the same page now. That last post made it blatantly obvious, granted I never clicked on any of the other threads cause I thought they were actually about the guy himself.

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter Online Editor
9/3/08 12:45 p.m.

they were.

poopshovel Dork
9/3/08 3:02 p.m.
Per Schroeder wrote: Maybe we should change Berkeley to Minissan in the filter. Per

Less gripin' - more typin' Make it so.

Strizzo Dork
9/3/08 3:05 p.m.

wait, so shiny happy person = bob costas now?

captainzib Reader
9/3/08 3:08 p.m.
Strizzo wrote: wait, so shiny happy person = bob costas now?
GameboyRMH wrote: sort of like "Bob Costas" in Bob Costascat and Bob Costaswillow
Salanis Dork
9/3/08 3:08 p.m.


Bob Costas = cat / female genitals

Strizzo Dork
9/3/08 3:32 p.m.

oic, it needs to be made more clear which stinkyhole was being talked about

Salanis Dork
9/3/08 3:34 p.m.

From Team America: World Police:

We're dicks! We're reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks. And the Film Actors Guild are Bob Costases. And Kim Jong Il is an shiny happy person. Bob Costases don't like dicks, because Bob Costases get berkeleyed by dicks. But dicks also berkeley shiny happy persons: shiny happy persons that just want to E36 M3 on everything. Bob Costases may think they can deal with shiny happy persons their way. But the only thing that can berkeley an shiny happy person is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is: they berkeley too much or berkeley when it isn't appropriate - and it takes a Bob Costas to show them that. But sometimes, Bob Costases can be so full of E36 M3 that they become shiny happy persons themselves... because Bob Costases are an inch and half away from shiny happy persons. I don't know much about this crazy, crazy world, but I do know this: If you don't let us berkeley this shiny happy person, we're going to have our dicks and Bob Costases all covered in E36 M3!

Edit-edit: Cool. Fixed. That monologue is funnier censored.

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