so...I think I am going back to school...
I graduated from Western Michigan University with a degree in advertising and promotion just over a year ago. I am not really pleased with where my career is heading...I guess I will leave it at that.
I am going in for an interview with the admissions office this Saturday to make sure the school is a good fit with me, and I am a good fit with the school.
The school I have decided on is called "the Creative Circus". It is an Atlanta based creative school with programs based predominately in the Advertising industry, which is handy, because I want to be a copywriter.
I don't really have much to add, or any questions to add, but I needed to tell someone, and at over 40 grand, I am having huge anxiety about where my life is heading. Goodbye cable, I won't be renewing my X-box live, eating out is definitely going away, and I will probably have to sell some of my car parts...
Good luck. I hope that this school can give you the career that you want.
it is the career I want, and it is the career I went to school for.
The problem with the ad industry right now is that all of the middle level guys are getting laid off, and taking entry level jobs to stay in the industry. I cannot compete with guys that have 4 years of experience...
I know how to write, this will just help me with my "cred", meet people in the industry, and learn ways to sharpen my writing to be applicable to writing ads.
pre-purchase cognitive dissonance sucks...
tell me going back to school is awesome!
I don't want to be a glorified parts counter dork forever...
Will this be for a further degree (your masters I'm assuming) or just a certificate saying you went?
I'll be going back for my masters in another year after 5 years in the newspaper industry.
It is sort of a mix of extending my current degree, getting a second degree, and certification in a field from an accredited university.