Sorry, it's in New Zealand, but I thought of you guys when looking at these vehicles for auction.
Some are complete, some probably ran when parked, some Euros, some early Japanese (Prince Skyline, B200, Isuzu Bellett & Bellett GT, Bluebirds).
Peruse, enjoy & comment!
“The Hoarder of Rolleston”
It seems the Kiwis are not concerned with political correctness- They use language to accurately describe an item or event, allowing readers to know immediately who or what they are talking about.
I like them.
Hmmm, I wonder what a "...COMMERICAL AUCTIONEER" does? Are they the same as a commercial auctioneer?
Sorry, I also hate the grammar police.
At least 50% of those cars I would love to own, tho the steering wheel on the "wrong" side, and shipping to get it the U.S. kills the deal.
Did his garage also double as a bird sanctuary? That's a lot of poo.
I would be glad to move in and be care taker for the collection rather than sell it off.