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stroker Reader
9/12/10 10:42 p.m.

Just for the hell of it, the other day I bought a 12 of Stag and another of Schlitz. It wasn't too bad!

Does anyone know if they still brew Schmidt in MN?

z31maniac SuperDork
9/12/10 10:56 p.m.

Sam Adams makes alot of very good brews, big fans of theirs.

I'm a big fan of stouts and porters so.........Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout, Left Hand Milk Stout, etc

however, mix in equal parts Youngs Double Choclate Stout and Wells Banana Bread Beer (both of these are great on their own as well) and you end up with 7% Chocolate Banana Bread Beer it's AMAZING, reall fantastic.

Yuenglings is great, Spaten Optimator, Rogue Dead guy and their Chocalate Stout, there's just so Many really good beers of different styles, it's good to be an 'Merican.

The_Pirate New Reader
9/12/10 10:57 p.m.
neon4891 wrote: Tonight is Jack's Pumpkin Spice Ale, from Michelob. OK, but in terms of "pumpkin", weakest I have tried

Pumpkin Ale!

I assume you've had the Saranac Pumpkin Ale? Best for the price in my quest. Smuttynose is my general favorite, and Dogfish Head's Punkin Ale is great (but at $10 per 4-pack, it's a rare drink for me).

RealMiniDriver Dork
9/12/10 11:12 p.m.
Greg Voth wrote: How about some Steele Reserve

I'm all for cheap beer, but that stuff is just plain nasty. For the same price at the beer store up the road from me, I get Milwaukee's Be(a)st Ice. 5.9% ABV, $2.19/ 4-pack 16oz cans. It's pretty good lawn mowing beer.

Salanis SuperDork
9/12/10 11:22 p.m.
Greg Voth wrote: I thought this was Grassroots not Yuppieroots. Seriously though if I am looking to get drunk I will have a couple "regular beers" i (i.e. Miller, Bud etc) then one of the aforementioned bad boys and I only drink a couple more the rest of the night. If not it is usually Mich Ultra, Miller or Bud light / whatever is on sale. I could care less about spending half the cost of a set of tires on beer.

Everybody has their hobbies. That's like saying, "why are you spending all that money on a nice digital camera when you can spend $50 on a point-and-click?" Or maybe, "why do you need to spend $200 on special tires that wear out twice as fast as $80 ones?"

Beer is an affordable indulgence. My favorite local beer spot has $2 microbrew pints every Sunday on things like Arrogant Bastard, Odonata Saison, Acme Pale Ale, and He'Brew Double Rye-IPA (all on tap tonight).

Sometimes you just want to drink something cold, alcoholic, and refreshing. Sometimes you want to enjoy something finely crafted.

Some of us can't afford fine wine at a steakhouse, but can afford world-class beer with a good burger or pizza. Some of us even brew our own beer so that we can create and enjoy unique beers on a budget. I just brewed what will be a 9%+ Saison for <$8 / gallon.

neon4891 SuperDork
9/12/10 11:29 p.m.
The_Pirate wrote:
neon4891 wrote: Tonight is Jack's Pumpkin Spice Ale, from Michelob. OK, but in terms of "pumpkin", weakest I have tried
Pumpkin Ale! I assume you've had the Saranac Pumpkin Ale? Best for the price in my quest. Smuttynose is my general favorite, and Dogfish Head's Punkin Ale is great (but at $10 per 4-pack, it's a rare drink for me).

Saranac is ok, Punk was hard to describe, I didn't care for it too much. My other 2 in my build-a-6 are Sam Adams and Brooklyn pumpkins ales.

Greg Voth
Greg Voth Reader
9/13/10 4:39 a.m.

It probably didn't come across in my post but it was somewhat an attempt at humor especially if you read the reviews on Evil Eye. That stuff is so nasty I wont drink it aside from being a joke. It is just a past time/hobby that I don't understand. Much like collecting stamps, smoking cigars etc.

Expensive, craft, microbrew whatever is just not my thing. I have tried quite a few but it doesn't do anything more for me than a Bud and generally tastes worse in my opinion. If you buy it in the store it is still cheaper than going to a bar and having a regular draft.

It just a past time/hobby I don't understand.

JtspellS Reader
9/13/10 5:44 a.m.

I personally like just about all beers but if i had to make 5 choices to go in the fridge (right now)

1) Guinness (in can with frosted glass NOT bottle)

2) Red stripe

3) Flying Dog (just about any they are all good)

4) Heineken (as the drunk beer)

5) All of St. Bernardus beers.

4cylndrfury SuperDork
9/13/10 7:25 a.m.

I do not drink Beast Ice (Milwaukee's Best that is) anymore...pretty much every time I drank it, I "enjoyed" too much (it is pretty smooth for a $5 twelver), and blacked out...pretty much every damn time. Ive woken up with a split lip and a black eye, Ive woken up naked, Ive woken up in other hotels, Ive woken up in other cities - in other states, Ive woken up with a cop staring down at me in frustration...in a ...well I guess what I was wearing could be considered a costume. Basically, make up a humorous montage of stupid college humor blackout comedy clips, and thats my Beast Ice story...college was a TON of fun, but the ice? never again!

DaveEstey Reader
9/13/10 7:51 a.m.

Shipyard Pumpkinhead is awesome

Magic Hat #9

Harpoon UFO

Peroni is a good Italian light beer

Holy Grail Ale is a good one if you can find it

Oh yea, Long Trail Double Bag is an outstanding way to fall down.

chuckles New Reader
9/13/10 8:20 a.m.

A vote for Dogfish Head as the most interesting brewery. Pick a style you like and you may find their version to be really special. Great IPA, great Pumpkin, incredible Brown Ales and a few varieties nobody else has ever thought of.

Salanis SuperDork
9/13/10 1:53 p.m.
chuckles wrote: A vote for Dogfish Head as the most interesting brewery. Pick a style you like and you may find their version to be really special. Great IPA, great Pumpkin, incredible Brown Ales and a few varieties nobody else has ever thought of.

True. Their beers are excellent, but definitely more expensive. I also usually have to be in the mood for that style to enjoy their beer. Not going to just reach into the fridge after a long day and grab a Midas Touch.

z31maniac SuperDork
9/13/10 2:18 p.m.

Schlafly's out of St. Louis also makes some good beer. We just can't get it in OK, have to drive up to Joplin, MO to get it.

Their pumpkin ale is fantastic. Like drinking a perfectly spiced pumpkin pie.

I also like the Boulevard "Smokestack Series" of brews. The Quadrupel and "Tank 7" are favs.

JtspellS Reader
9/13/10 2:28 p.m.
DaveEstey wrote: Magic Hat #9 Harpoon UFO Holy Grail Ale is a good one if you can find it

3 great ones i forgot about but are all good.

sachilles HalfDork
9/13/10 3:19 p.m.

If you are ever near Vermont, do yourself a favor and try Switchback. I'm very sad because I just kicked my keg of switchback last night, and can't get another until friday.

Grassroots content. If you get a spare CO2 tank for your kegarator, you can use it to power air tools.

SilverFleet Reader
9/13/10 3:28 p.m.

I love beer, and it shows! Here are some of my faves:

For cheap beer....

Yuengling (my favorite, but they don't sell it here in MA for some reason ) Naragansett (fantastic cheap Northeast beer, takes the place of Yuengling when I don't have any) Schlitz (they re-formulated it to the 1960's formula, and it's surprisingly awesome) Miller High Life (the champagne!!!) Coors Original (only when working on my Trans Am)

Local stuff:

Sam Adams (can't narrow it down to just one, they are all pretty solid, but I must mention the Boston Brick Red ale, which is local-only and delicious) Wachusett (see above, all are awesome) Blue Hills Brewery (these guys are two years old, and the brewery is very close to my work. Everything is amazing!)

Other favorites:

Troegs (especially the Troegenator, that stuff is heavy duty!) Rouge Dead Guy Ale (haven't had much of their other stuff, but I'm sure it's great) Samuel Smith (Nut Brown Ale and Oatmeal Stout!) Stone Brewing Co (their IPA is great and the Arrogant Bastard hurts!) Hoeegarden (great hefeweizen) Delirium Nocturnum (tasty Belgian beer that will get you wrecked if you're not careful!) Shipyard Pumpkinhead (great fall beer) Abita (Purple Haze is a good raspberry flavored hefeweizen and Turbo Dog has the word turbo in the name!) Moretti (great Italian beer, and I'm Italian so I drink it!) Dogfish Head (they are all equally amazing)

Ranger50 Reader
9/13/10 3:39 p.m.

Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale from Alltech. If you like bourbon and beer, this beer is definitely for you.

Normally I'm a cheap bastard beer drinker, so Keystone Light for me.


wbjones Dork
9/13/10 3:57 p.m.

Miller Lite... (I know most of ya don't consider it beer....) used to love Sköl... don't know where to find it anymore... the last time I saw it in a store was in Gainsville,Fla in '81

Jake HalfDork
9/13/10 4:33 p.m.

I’ve never met a beer I didn’t like, at least a little.

SupraWes Dork
9/13/10 4:41 p.m.
mtn wrote:
grimmelshanks wrote:
David S. Wallens wrote: PBR
bro... come on
Honestly, PBR is pretty good. I personally think that its one of the best beer for the money, and last I checked, it is one of the two remaining American owned beer companies--the other being Samuel Adams.

There's a whole hell of a lot more than just 2.

mtn SuperDork
9/13/10 6:23 p.m.
SupraWes wrote:
mtn wrote:
grimmelshanks wrote:
David S. Wallens wrote: PBR
bro... come on
Honestly, PBR is pretty good. I personally think that its one of the best beer for the money, and last I checked, it is one of the two remaining American owned beer companies--the other being Samuel Adams.
There's a whole hell of a lot more than just 2.

Two major ones that I can buy in nearly any given grocery store. I've never even seen a Yuengling. But as I just found out, PBR doesn't count in that anymore.

wbjones Dork
9/13/10 6:47 p.m.

forgot to mention that I think PBR is pretty darn good...

ignorant SuperDork
9/13/10 7:16 p.m.
Greg Voth wrote: I thought this was Grassroots not Yuppieroots. How about some Steele Reserve http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steel_Reserve

Sorry kid.. "bad" beer is now the hipster cool thing..

Greg Voth
Greg Voth Reader
9/13/10 7:29 p.m.

Hot damn, then I am a Grassroots Hipster. Doesn't get much cheaper than Steele.

I could just never wrap my head around paying twice as much for a beer that in my opinion tasted worse. Same reason I don't enjoy the bar scene. I have more fun at my or someones home having a few than a noisy, smelly, crowded bar with a 300% mark up on beer.

Grtechguy SuperDork
9/13/10 7:47 p.m.

Well, if we're drinking beer to get drunk, can't go wrong with a 30 of this:

AKA also known as a Friday Summer Night with the neighbors

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