Need some help with one of my three dogs. She is a rescue dog, obtained from a local county shelter, so we don't know exactly what she is. We got her when she was only 8 weeks old, which was a year ago. She clearly has German Sheppard in her and who knows what else (maybe lab??). She weighs about 50lbs, so is a solid mid size dog.
She is a very aggressive chewer and is destroying the house. She's already chewed up two window sills and the molding at the bottom of the stair banister. She doesn't much care for rubber chew toys, she'll play for a minute and stop. She loves the rawhide bones, the stuff you get at Costco, but she will eat an entire one in an hour or two if we let her and they upset her stomach. I did a Google search and found EcoKind Himalayan Dog Chews as being highly recommended for aggressive chewers. At first, she was literally scared of them...she arched her back and barked like crazy. Maybe it was the smell? But she quickly changed her mind and started eating them. She now loves them, but they aren't lasting super long either...and they're expensive.
I know someone out there has to have a very aggressive chewer. What do you give him/her?
Obligatory dog picture...she loves her cage.