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Scottah Dork
2/16/16 7:41 p.m.

Another topic I've been meaning to discuss with the hive. That's right, Bigfoot. There seems to be a line in the sand with this topic. You either believe in the possible potential or you think it's made up garbage.

For me I believe it's entirely possible that such an elusive animal exists and even have some other theories that I won't dare go into without sounding like a religious nut. At the same time I wouldnt be surprised if it just flat out didn't exist.

Les Stroud (Survivorman) has done two seasons on Bigfoot and has been met with some HEAVY criticism. Mostly due to hanging out with a guy named Todd Standing. You can Google him but he basically claimed to have captured real footage that he charged people to see that was clearly fake.


logdog GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
2/16/16 7:45 p.m.

I remember seeing a documentary hosted by John Lithgow when I was a kid that convinced me Bigfoot was real.

Kia_Racer SuperDork
2/16/16 7:48 p.m.


Scottah Dork
2/16/16 7:57 p.m.
Kia_Racer wrote: real

So awesome I can't even be mad. Love that damn thing.

Tom_Spangler GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
2/16/16 7:57 p.m.

Thanks to Leonard Nimoy, I was fascinated by this stuff when I was a kid. Bigfoot, Yeti, Nessie, the Bermuda Triangle, you name it, I ate it up.

Nowadays, I'm pretty skeptical. Given all the attention that's been paid to this, it seems like someone would have found some physical evidence by now, like a carcass or something.

DrBoost UltimaDork
2/16/16 8:07 p.m.

Bigfoot is real. The thing is though, bigfoot is blurry. The problem all these years wasn't with the cameras, it's the fact that bigfoot is blurry.

Anybody recognize that wisdom?

Appleseed MegaDork
2/16/16 8:09 p.m.

It's true. Bigfoot is naturally blurry.

stuart in mn
stuart in mn UltimaDork
2/16/16 8:10 p.m.

Possible, but not likely.

ultraclyde UltraDork
2/16/16 8:15 p.m.

I agree with Stuart.

But what about the Skunk Ape?

Knurled GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
2/16/16 8:33 p.m.
Kia_Racer wrote: real

That's totally a Photoshop. The hubs and bolt pattern on the wheels are out of proportion to the wheels, which are way too small for the tire's OD. Look at real tires that are made in that size, the wheel diameter is much larger and they are held in with more and smaller lug nuts.

Furthermore look at the front wheelwell cut. It actually goes through the doors. There's no way that you could do that and have the doors work, that is a major structural portion of the cab and if you cut that away then the cab would collapse in its own weight.

Also, if you look at the parking spaces that it's over, the spaces are about half the width and length of a pickup.

Fake fake fake FAAAAAKE.

1988RedT2 PowerDork
2/16/16 8:36 p.m.

As long as we're on the subject, how do we feel about Kraken?

Knurled GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
2/16/16 8:38 p.m.

In reply to 1988RedT2:

Worst. Rum. Ever. The bottle is cool looking though.

Doc Brown
Doc Brown Dork
2/16/16 8:48 p.m.

I find the Bigfoot stuff to be fascinating, however I don't necessarily believe or disbelieve... sort of keep an open mind and enjoy the stories.

EastCoastMojo GRM+ Memberand Mod Squad
2/16/16 8:53 p.m.

Nessie is real though.

BoostedBrandon Dork
2/16/16 8:59 p.m.

In reply to Knurled:

I hope you're joking..

BoostedBrandon Dork
2/16/16 9:06 p.m.

SVreX MegaDork
2/16/16 9:14 p.m.
Knurled wrote:
Kia_Racer wrote: real
That's totally a Photoshop. The hubs and bolt pattern on the wheels are out of proportion to the wheels, which are way too small for the tire's OD. Look at real tires that are made in that size, the wheel diameter is much larger and they are held in with more and smaller lug nuts. Furthermore look at the front wheelwell cut. It actually goes through the doors. There's no way that you could do that and have the doors work, that is a major structural portion of the cab and if you cut that away then the cab would collapse in its own weight. Also, if you look at the parking spaces that it's over, the spaces are about half the width and length of a pickup. Fake fake fake FAAAAAKE.

Apparently you've never seen Bigfoot. I have.

It's the original monster truck. All the rest are just imitations. Bigfoot existed LONG before there WAS Photoshop, in fact before there was an internet.

They don't use the doors. They climb up through the non-existent "floorboards".

Bigfoot Wiki

Tom_Spangler GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
2/16/16 9:21 p.m.
Knurled wrote: In reply to 1988RedT2: Worst. Rum. Ever. The bottle is cool looking though.

I kinda like it.

Forget Bigfoot, let's talk about the real question: Will burning jet fuel melt steel?

captdownshift GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
2/16/16 9:35 p.m.

In reply to Knurled:

Try it with ginger beer, it'll change your mind in a big way

daeman HalfDork
2/16/16 9:36 p.m.

In reply to DrBoost:

Futurama, I saw that episode the other night.

Whilst possible, not probable... Surely some remains would have been found by now, or something tangible.

petegossett GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
2/16/16 10:09 p.m.

I generally look at topics like Bigfoot with quite a bit of skepticism...however, I saw something one morning on the way to work about 8-years ago that I've never been able to explain. I've chronicled it here in the past, but here it is again. You guys will appreciate it for the GRM-ness as much as anything.

It was the winter of '07-'08, but before we actually had any snow...so probably early December-ish. I was working in Indiana at that time, and had a 50-mile one-way commute(plus the time zone difference). I was driving the Miata then(no snow/no salt yet), and running a bit late that day, which put it around 5am Central time - well before dawn.

My entire drive was rural county roads and highways, and about 4 miles from home was a left turn. It is slightly greater than 90*, and has a turn median coming from the other direction. It's all flat, and the crops were out of the field, so it's pretty easy/common to cut the corner and take the short/wrong way around the median. It's rare to see another car there at almost any time of day or night.

As I was setting up for the turn, I caught the silhouette of something just past the apex on the inside. My first thought was a deer, but at that point I was already committed to the turn, so my only option was to take it wider than planned. That put me into the marbles between the two lanes, causing me to oversteer. This whole time I'm looking over my left shoulder expecting to see a deer come darting toward/away from me at any moment.

As the car continued to oversteer, I began to pick out the silhouette again. It was shorter than I realized, only about 3' or 4' tall(although it could have been standing in the ditch, which would have placed it closer to 6' or 7'), almost completely figureless/colorless...and then as my headlights swept around to it, I saw the red glowing eyes looking at me.

I wouldn't ever say I'm a brave man, but I wasn't the least bit scared...until then. I saw no motion from it (whatever it was) - remember, I'm sliding sideways at about 40mph at this point - and it didn't bolt and run, or so much as move.

At that moment, two thoughts crossed my mind almost simultaneously: 1.) Oh yeah, I'd better catch the ass-end of this car. And 2.) I think it's time to GTFO and get my ass to work ASAP!!!

I still don't have a clue what I saw. This was a corner I drove daily for 5-years, and one I've been familiar with my whole life. I stopped on the way home that day and saw no trace of whatever had been there that morning. Was it an otherwise easily identifiable animal in poor lighting? Was it something Bigfoot-esque?? Did the grim reaper want to check out my mad-tyte driving skills??? I have no clue, but eh, whatever...

mtn MegaDork
2/16/16 10:28 p.m.
SVreX wrote:
Knurled wrote:
Kia_Racer wrote: real
That's totally a Photoshop. The hubs and bolt pattern on the wheels are out of proportion to the wheels, which are way too small for the tire's OD. Look at real tires that are made in that size, the wheel diameter is much larger and they are held in with more and smaller lug nuts. Furthermore look at the front wheelwell cut. It actually goes through the doors. There's no way that you could do that and have the doors work, that is a major structural portion of the cab and if you cut that away then the cab would collapse in its own weight. Also, if you look at the parking spaces that it's over, the spaces are about half the width and length of a pickup. Fake fake fake FAAAAAKE.
Apparently you've never seen Bigfoot. I have. It's the original monster truck. All the rest are just imitations. Bigfoot existed LONG before there WAS Photoshop, in fact before there was an internet. They don't use the doors. They climb up through the non-existent "floorboards". Bigfoot Wiki

sVRex, go back and read that and then think of the thread topic. I think you missed something there

MCarp22 Dork
2/17/16 12:02 a.m.

captdownshift GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
2/17/16 2:33 a.m.

In reply to MCarp22:

Regarding ghost, camp in a sleeping bag, no tent, one night on the battlefield at Gettysburg. You'll be awoken several times and you'll have bruised ribs the next day from having been kicked in the side.

HappyAndy UberDork
2/17/16 3:15 a.m.
Kia_Racer wrote: real

The females run a bit smaller.

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