7/10/15 9:42 a.m.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
mtn wrote:
Don't like the sockless look with pants. Do like it with shorts--and there is absolutely nothing wrong with shorts on men. Heck, with calves and thigh's like mine it is a sin not to show them off!
My new shoes--I wear them with no-show socks to keep the smell down:
Nothing looks dorkier than socks with any shoes and socks.
Uh... What the hell are you talking about here? I've read this four times and still can't make sense of it.
My winter wear--always with socks, but you can't tell.
Those are the socks little girls were to gym class. I would were shorts all year if I didn't have a uniform at work.
<img src="" />
New art for my shop at work.
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And the other one.
These please me quite a bit
<img src="" />
I'm sure this is a repost but worth remembering.
Now see, I don't notice the lack of socks in this photo as much as I do the lack of trigger discipline.
Vct tile: so easy a six year old can do it.
One good thing about not going to work. I don't miss the smells of summertime in New York.