4/1/18 2:18 p.m.

After getting snapped at by a random stupid dog at the park (yet he's the "vicious breed"), I called ahead to make sure the local Home Depot allowed non-service dogs. (I've read a few articles about dog-friendly biz's but they always say local locations may vary). I needed to replace my ancient probably-Harbor Freight socket wrench that kept jamming on me yesterday, and was planning a short walk as well.
Even being a killer pitbull I didn't notice any shoppers making dirty looks or moving away, a few smiled and said hello. But at least 75% of the employees we encountered smiled and wanted to pet him, and quite a few had dog treats in their aprons. This guy, carrying a large stack of veteran patches on a large clip, was totally enamored with him. He probably gave him 6 or 7 bacon-like treats.
This was our first trip to a non-pet store, I admit I was a little nervous walking in. But they've got my biz for life, and I need to find other friendly stores. If nothing else I try to show people that despite what the news tells you, not all pit's are mean.
Nice to see. There are some bars in Milwaukee that allow dogs. Legal as long as they don't sell food. I had a pitt mix previously who was a real sweetheart. Interested in getting another, maybe full pitt since there's so many in shelters... We have a young kid though so now I'm more picky. The local dog park also prohibits all "dangerous breeds" including pitts, Dobermans etc which sucks. Last dog looked like a lab kinda so we got away with it
I used to take my boy mutt to Lowes with me but I'm getting mixed info on whether or not they still allow them. Tractor Supply is mutt friendly too. I've had some people shy away because he's a big dog and they weren't expecting to encounter him coming around a corner, but mainly he gets a good reaction. He loves women and kids but is stand offish with guys other than me.
This was not the Wookie story I was looking for.
4/1/18 5:10 p.m.
Cute Pup! We like to use Depot and other shopping trips to socialize the pups.
I just did the first trip with the 6 month old Great Dane pup Izzy. It went ok but it it's gonna take more with her to get her comfortable. She got acared when going donw the aisle in electrical and put on thw dog brakes. It was pretty funny but had to explain that a 65lb dog is just a puppy a few times.

4/1/18 6:52 p.m.
turtl631 said:
Nice to see. There are some bars in Milwaukee that allow dogs. Legal as long as they don't sell food. I had a pitt mix previously who was a real sweetheart. Interested in getting another, maybe full pitt since there's so many in shelters... We have a young kid though so now I'm more picky. The local dog park also prohibits all "dangerous breeds" including pitts, Dobermans etc which sucks. Last dog looked like a lab kinda so we got away with it
Here's my dangerous breed deciding whether to tear my mom's arm off, or finish watching her program first.
4/1/18 7:13 p.m.
In reply to Jerry :
Oh, I can see that dangerous dog just getting ready to pounce. See how the mouth is closed? Yeah, that's just to load the tongue up with extra slobber for extra wet puppy kisses. Don't think that calm demeanor is fooling anyone!
No pits are mean, that’s a human emotion. They can be trained to be aggressive, they can defend their stuff, they can hunt and kill for food, but not be mean. This is my Pittie demonstrating their natural state. 
In reply to ultraclyde :
I’ve never had a problem at our Lowe’s. TSC is a favorite because they keep treats at the register.
4/2/18 7:18 a.m.
I am doing seasonal work at Lowe's and they are very pet friendly. Some trainers ever bring the dogs there for socialization.
thats awesome! I've always considered taking mine with me. Here he is sitting in his favorite outside chair, surely contemplating his next vicious cuddle attack.
I take Stella everywhere. I drop the leash when we get in the door and she prances along about 18" from my left ankle. Stores, she loves the lumber yard, and restaurants if they have outdoor seating. Good for her to socialize, good to see people smile and nothing wrong with young girls kneeling down in front of me going "Oooooo she's sooooo cute".

4/2/18 11:29 a.m.
I stopped at Menards this morning and asked the cashier about dogs. She said they get all kinds of dogs and he'd probably get lots of treats and attention. Next stop on our list.
We bring our dog Holly to Lowes on occasion. She's also a really vicious pit mix. I mean, look at this!

And by vicious, I mean she's an absolute goober. 
Every time we bring her, the employees go nuts and ask all sorts of questions about her. They even offer her treats, but she is a total snob and won't accept treats from strangers.