My laptop is getting pretty terrible, I'm pretty sure the only fix is going to be a fresh windoze install. My question is this.
32bit vista or windoze 7
The 64 bit vista I'm currently running is the suckzors. Thoughts anyone, I thought about more ram but I don't think that's the problem as I have 4gb right now.
wherethefmi wrote:
32bit vista or windoze 7
That's like asking do you want to get shot or stabbed?
If it's got to be Windows, definitely Windows 7. I'd be tempted to go Windows 7 64-bit (run this on one of my PCs here and it just works) but of course the 32-bit version will work, too. You'll just lose about 1GB of memory...
Usually, clean install so you know what you've got on the disk, then add the apps you need. If it's still slow at this point, start digging. With the E36 M3 that's usually pre-loaded on most store bought machines it's usually pretty hard to figure out what exactly is slowing you down. More often than not, "all of the above" is the right answer.
Uh, the answer can only be mac. Ditch Gates and his minions and get a stable, superior OS. Then enjoy a computer that actually works when you want it to.
Ever notice how Windows being good skips a generation.
95 = sucked
98 = good
Millennium = sucked
XP = good
Vista = sucked
7 = good (?)
Hmmm just like every other Startrek movie sucks....
I'm not going to weigh in on the argument since it is like discussing religion or politics. Everyone has an agenda and wants validation of their ideals and followers.
Anyway, I've not heard of any serious problems with Win7 64-bit. All of the Vista 64 drivers should work.
I am excited to continue playing with some of the Linux distros, but until I get some more powerful machines, I'll have to play the dual-boot game since VirtualBox and VirtualPC works best on machines with multiple CPU cores and lots of memory.
The Apple OS is just a Apple'd Linux distro and there are ways to make Linux more OSX like and ways to make OSX run on non-Apple hardware.
Ok getting an apple isn't an option right now, funds wise. Though that's in the future. Toshiba is pretty good about not having too much junk on them, and what was on there I got rid of. I have all the install files for my apps so backing up is pretty much done, just gotta move all my stuff on to an external and do a clean install. My wifes 32 bit laptop has no issues and she does the same stuff I do on mine, mainly music movies and the Internet. Though mine never sees the Internet while I'm deployed. The only thing I do different is convert movies to iPod, so I know it's gotta be the 64bit vista that sucks.
12/14/09 6:52 p.m.
Capt Slow wrote:
Hmmm just like every other Startrek movie sucks....
The late '90s called; they want their forum image back.
Lesley wrote:
OS X 10.5
okay, how would I accomplish that, I think that's a good idea, just being as I'm only a little computer savvy I wouldn't know where to begin.
I am still running XP on all of my computers, it still rocks!
If your laptop used to be fast but has gotten slow over time it probably just needs a fresh install of the OS. Backup all missions critical files and settings before you begin.
I run something different on each of my machines, so I actually don't have a definate preference between XP, Vista & 7, but I will say when the pooter gets slow, it's time to reload. Wait, that didn't come out right.
I think I'm going to try the vista 64 install first, gotta go get an external tomorrow so I can do the clean install.
12/14/09 9:36 p.m.
Whatever you have onhand that you won't have to spend money on. If you have restore discs from your initial purchase and you were happy with how it ran when you bought the machine I'd just go with that.
However, if you want to take a crack at hackintoshing your Toshiba, depending on what model you have this guide would probably get you started.
One other option is to grab a Dell Mini9 or 10 from the Dell Outlet for <$300 and hackintosh it like the one I'm typing this on
If you have access to some XP disks I would go that route, or hackintoshing the machine.
If you want to go the XP reoute and need any help with it PM me.
If you know someone who has an .edu e-mail address you can buy Windows 7 at student prices. I think it is worth it, think of it as Vista R2. Luckily you can upgrade Vista to Win7 and not lose your data (actually moving from XP to 7 will preserve your data, but all of the applications and drivers will need to be reinstalled)
As for running Apple OS X on your PC:
turboswede wrote:
The Apple OS is just a Apple'd Linux distro.
Ouch. While it might look like that to a layperson, it is anything but. It's a Mach-based kernel with FreeBSD userspace (command line) tools and Apple's own GUI.
Very different from Linux.
Well the xp thing would be great, would I be able to use the 4 gb of ram I have now? I haven't gotten all my stuff off of it yet. I just ran spybot and malwarebytes and can I say holy crap this machine was infected, that'll learn me on getting pron from strangers. Well once I've got this thing running good again, I'm not taking anyones files without scanning their drive first.
So my next question as far as 1tb drives go, anyone have experience withthe rugged Lacie external?
XP 32-bit will only be able to use approx 3GB, as will Vista 32-bit and 7 32-bit. To make use of all available RAM you really want a 64-bit OS.
Once Spybot gets all the crap off, you might find that your machine is reasonably quick again. And regarding the "files from strangers" part, you might want to look into installing a virtual machine like VirtualBox, put an(other) install of Vista/XP/whatever in there and use that one for files you don't quite trust if they're being delivered over the Internet. That way, any infection only happens within the VM and you don't end up having to reinstall the whole machine to get rid of this sort of nasty.
Having used both A LOT
Windows 7 is INSANELY close to Vista.... use what ever you have.
12/16/09 8:03 a.m.
friend was telling me that his laptop battery lasts about twice as long using windows 7 over vista. Apparently vistas power management left something to be desired.
12/16/09 8:17 a.m.
Try this:
If my hardware was new enough, that's what I'd do. OSX can be had for under $100, sometimes a lot under. And that's for an official full distro not some upgrade bull E36 M3.
they can have my Xp when they pry it from my cold dead harddrive