We set fast time for the day (actually, fastest time in the birthing center's recent memory)
Total time of hard labor/pushing - 7 minutes.
My girlfriend don't mess around. It was about 10 minutes from the time her water broke to the time the baby was out.That caused his breathing to be a little fast, but after a few hours, he calmed down and is perfectly fine.
This was taken about an hour or so after he was born. I was the first to hold him besides the nurses. Coolest kid evar.
congradulations on the baby and ftd! i have no child raising advice but its awesome that you have a little guy running around!
Wow! 10 minutes?!?! God, it took my girlfriend like 10 hours from water being broken to baby being out. Congrats! Start looking for a go-kart or Quarter Midget...
The lack of sleep is worth it now.
We're already saving up for something. The doctor noticed he was doing the "right foot push" during one of the ultrasounds a couple months back, and now he's doin it all the time.
Good excuse to spend some quality time with Pops.
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