There's at least as much self-centered/me-first/self-entitled whining and misplaced blame in this thread as there is in the OWS protests. It isn't entitlement to want to have a say in the direction of your own society, or to want people with power to be accountable for their actions. And if you're going to be honest, what could possibly be more self-centered than the desire to accumulate wealth far in excess of one's needs?
It sincerely makes me want to vomit that so many members of perhaps the most technologically advanced, wealthy, smartest, most capable society in the history of humanity seem to think that things like literature, arts, philosophy, non-commercially-focused scientific study, or pretty much any activity that isn't undertaken in direct pursuit of wealth is worthless, only pursued by irresponsible people, and might as well be abandoned. To anyone who thinks like this, from the bottom of my heart, berkeley that. berkeley that a thousand times over. You're completely tossing aside the most wonderful, amazing thing about humanity, maybe the defining thing that makes us human, which is that we have the capacity (and thus the duty) to do things that aren't motivated purely by our basic needs. That we have the ability to DECIDE what is important, to DECIDE, individually or collectively, that maybe there are worthwhile goals beyond simple security and self-preservation (which is all wealth is, after all).
500 years ago, when most of humanity E36 M3 on the ground and could barely manage to feed, clothe and shelter themselves, WE STILL MADE ART. We still wrote literature. We still studied the world around us. We still concerned ourselves with significant work beyond "what will I eat today" or "how much stuff do I own". And we continue to derive great value from that art/science/literature today. So how on earth did we get to the point where such pursuits are worthless?
When you ridicule the very notion of humans devoting themselves to arts or literature, or any other pursuits undertaken without a clear economic goal, you're essentially mocking the idea of humanity itself. Rejecting this notion that money is the only worthwhile goal is a significant motivation behind the current protests. Funding for the arts? Don't need it, gotta cut rich folks taxes. Funding for space exploration? Don't need it, gotta cut rich folks taxes. Funding for education? Nope, gotta cut rich folks taxes. Funding for academic research? Nope, gotta cut rich folks taxes. Funding for health care? Nope, gotta cut rich folks taxes (besides, what do you need that for, can't you just go work for a corporation like everyone else?).
A lot of people have become convinced that not only is pure profit motivation the best way to allocate ALL of humanity's resources, it's the ONLY valid one, ONLY the things that this system spontaneously creates are worth humanity's effort, and exploiting this system is the highest value activity that humans can undertake. I hope we don't get to see where another few generations of that path take us.