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cwh PowerDork
11/7/16 7:59 p.m.


alfadriver MegaDork
11/7/16 8:12 p.m.
Bobzilla wrote:
NEALSMO wrote: In reply to Appleseed: That thought process just means you don't vote, which could be the equivalent of voting for the greater of two evils. If you don't support any of the candidates you need to vote against the person that conflicts with your beliefs/morals the most.
what makes this election tolerable.... there's a third option.

Seems like it's time that people look at the party they really identify with. And perhaps some old name parties come back- some of the historical ones have some real ID's for some people, and less of the fluff they don't like.

JohnRW1621 MegaDork
11/7/16 8:23 p.m.

In reply to alfadriver:

I hear The Whigs Party are making a comeback.
Bringing back the values of Millard Filmore!

JoeTR6 HalfDork
11/7/16 9:11 p.m.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I believe it is time to take back our country and vote for a man (not that we shouldn't vote for a woman) who shares OUR beliefs. Someone who demonstrates this every single day. Someone who goes across the country in search of what we consider important and sacrifices everything to see it returned safely home. A person that we not only respect, but share a common debt to for bringing us together.

A man who is not afraid to get stuff on his hootus.

And if you don't feel the same way as I, well, then I can accept that.

dculberson PowerDork
11/7/16 9:29 p.m.

I'd rather vote for Captain Karl.

Brett_Murphy GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
11/7/16 9:37 p.m.

Talking about politics during a major election cycle and expecting things to remain civil is living in a fantasy world. I have enjoyed political debates, and I've learned stuff from them, but those have almost always been a year or two into a Presidency.

WildScotsRacing HalfDork
11/7/16 10:55 p.m.
Huckleberry wrote: Oddly - this had the opposite effect in my family. My father, who has a very different opinion on most issues than I do and a general lack of tact about sharing them, is nodding in agreement with me. At least on the part where neither of the current major offerings represent what we feel our interests are and not really being sure what to do about that. Normally, if this were a car or other item that didn't quite do what we wanted we would build our own from scrap, duct tape and bailing wire but neither of us has much of an idea on how to set up a puppet government and rule it from behind the curtain. So, we just agree that this cannot stand. Harumph!

Hey, I didn't get a HARUMPH outa that guy!

YA New Reader
11/7/16 11:01 p.m.

Follow my advice as you see fit.....

My mom is a hoarder, but she will often give me something of no use/value to me to take home because she thought it was of use/value to me.

At first, I would have long conversations/talks/arguments as to why I didn't want said things.

When I finally convinced her that I really didn't want said things, and she finally believed me that I didn't want said things.. The crying would start.

The Crying would go on until I left, or just took the damn thing and pretended to want it.

Nothing worse than seeing your mom cry.

How did I stop it and help lessen the hoarding at the same time?? By taking everything she offered me and bringing it to the closest place that accepts donations.

How does that help the OP?????

You will never change the in-laws opinions, just pretend to agree with them, then change the topic.

Ransom GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
11/8/16 12:03 a.m.

In reply to JoeTR6:

That leaves me deeply conflicted. Here we have a candidate I hold in the highest regard; someone who I feel reflects many of my core values, and who I like both in terms of who he is, and how I feel he would comport himself in such an important role.

But... I have grave misgivings about bestowing such power on someone who drinks a margarita through a straw.

Wall-e GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/8/16 3:50 a.m.

In reply to Ransom:

I had a problem with the straw at first but then thought of how many times I'd seen people start to spill their drinks after having a few, literally unable to hold their liquor. I applaud his taking steps to prevent this from happening and stand by him and his straw. I'm with Tim for President.

alfadriver MegaDork
11/8/16 6:35 a.m.
JohnRW1621 wrote: In reply to alfadriver: I hear The Whigs Party are making a comeback. Bringing back the values of Millard Filmore!

The way I hear many of both parties- the base of what Whig's stood for is right down their alley. The very old Federalist Party works for many others- just hard to actually take the heat for supporting banks and whatnot.

I see the real issue similar to religion, though. You call yourself Democrat or Republican even though you don't agree with all of their points and recent history. To separate from that "tribe" is hard. If people would allow a reset, and a few parties starting up- I think we can get some actual representation on a national platform version.

That will let the people who are currently close to 100% for the current two to stay, and the others to not have to "vote for the lesser of two evils".

And I really wish that people would stop saying that- it may be true to you, but it's not for many. Whether the ardent Clinton or Trump fan- they are voting for someone that inspires them- no reason to harsh on them. But if you see it that way, then it's time you get involved and make sure you find someone YOU like, too.

But getting beyond that, once people stop voting for "the lesser of two evils" and vote for someone they like, and we are not lead down the path of fear (the "my opposition is evil, so vote for me"- crap), I think many things will get fixed.

alfadriver MegaDork
11/8/16 6:38 a.m.
Ransom wrote: In reply to JoeTR6: That leaves me deeply conflicted. Here we have a candidate I hold in the *highest* regard; someone who I feel reflects many of my core values, and who I like both in terms of who he *is*, *and* how I feel he would comport himself in such an important role. But... I have grave misgivings about bestowing such power on someone who drinks a margarita through a straw.

The issue is the straw?? Seriously?

Come on, the issue is that pretend cocktail glass- a martini shaped thing with some decorations thinking that it makes it taste better.


GameboyRMH GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/8/16 8:20 a.m.
Bobzilla wrote:
JohnRW1621 wrote:
So good it needs to be shared with the world.

Wall-e GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
11/8/16 8:37 a.m.

Bobzilla UltimaDork
11/8/16 10:26 a.m.

In reply to alfadriver:

I agree. I made the separation in the '12 election. Haven't looked back. Once you realize that there are more than two options, it gets a little better. But listening to all the hard core party liners telling you constantly how horrible you are and how you're helping the opposition by voting with your conscience is a little tiring. I'd say its not for the weak willed for sure.

SVreX MegaDork
11/8/16 10:59 a.m.

I have voted in 10 different presidential elections. I have voted 3rd party in 5 of them (Plus 3 R's and 2 D's)

Don't really care if someone thinks I am wasting my vote.

The only thing that is consistent about my party affiliation and voting, is that I ALWAYS voted against Ralph Nader!

SVreX MegaDork
11/17/16 8:30 p.m.

I am bringing this back from the dead, because I had an interesting life lesson...

I mentioned my mother on page 1. It's probably unfair to call her a political troll. She is passionate about the things she believes in. She spent her life as a Civil Rights worker, defending Democratic principles. She worked tirelessly for women's rights, minority rights, impoverished, and under served. She is a proud Liberal, Democratic loyalist, and strong supporter of Hillary Clinton.

This week was devastating to her. I'm not being dramatic- I was really uncertain whether or not I would be planning a funeral this week. It broke her heart, and her spirit. It was crushing. Part of it is that at the age of 84, she will never see some of her dreams come to fruition.

But then something changed...

I walked into her house on Sunday and it felt completely different. Light, airy, even a touch of joy. She was smiling- OK, not a full blown exuberance, but at least a healthy contentedness. She told me that she had made a choice- that she could no longer live in that dark place. She TURNED OFF THE TELEVISION (which is typically on 24/7 as background noise- usually talking heads or liberal talk shows blabbing about whatever their issue was). And she put on some Jazz music.

Now, there is nothing magical about Jazz (though I enjoy it), but it struck me that she had done what most of this country needs to do. She cut off the noise of the typical banter that was continuously rolling a tape in the background of her life, and put on some pleasant music.

The house felt different because it was simply 2 people talking with some nice music on.

I don't know why that seems almost profound, but it does. Maybe we just need to cut off the noise of the TV, or Cable, or the Internet, or Facebook, or whatever. Stop listening to the mumbo jumbo everyone else wants to pour into our heads, put on a few good tunes, and enjoy each other. At least for a while.

Yeah, I know. Sounds kind of like a kumbaya moment. So be it.

I did it too. Cut off NPR on the truck radio, and listened to some great tunes while covering a few hundred miles.

Life is good.

Duke MegaDork
11/17/16 9:09 p.m.

In reply to Bobzilla:

I have voted in every presidential election of my adult life - starting in 1984 - and I have never once voted R or D for president. I have always found someone on the ballot who suited my values better.

So I get to bitch as much as I want!

NOHOME PowerDork
11/18/16 6:45 a.m.
JoeTR6 wrote: Ladies and Gentlemen: I believe it is time to take back our country and vote for a man (not that we shouldn't vote for a woman) who shares OUR beliefs. Someone who demonstrates this every single day. Someone who goes across the country in search of what we consider important and sacrifices everything to see it returned safely home. A person that we not only respect, but share a common debt to for bringing us together. A man who is not afraid to get stuff on his hootus. And if you don't feel the same way as I, well, then I can accept that.

I like that his running mate is a concrete pouring "no-nonsense-to-be- feared" individual. There are a few people in Washington that need to go "under the new back deck".

dculberson PowerDork
11/18/16 7:55 a.m.

In reply to SVreX:

I need to share this post with my wife. But I also want to be able to sleep without fear so I'm not sure how to do so.

Jerry UltraDork
11/18/16 7:57 a.m.

My mom invited me to my racist uncle's rambling about Making America Great Again for Turkey Day, no thanks. Star Wars movies and cheap junk food will do me just fine.

Fueled by Caffeine
Fueled by Caffeine MegaDork
11/18/16 8:02 a.m.
Jerry wrote: My mom invited me to my racist uncle's rambling about Making America Great Again for Turkey Day, no thanks. Star Wars movies and cheap junk food will do me just fine.

I approve of your plan.

06HHR HalfDork
11/18/16 8:04 a.m.
SVreX wrote: I am bringing this back from the dead, because I had an interesting life lesson... I mentioned my mother on page 1. It's probably unfair to call her a political troll. She is passionate about the things she believes in. She spent her life as a Civil Rights worker, defending Democratic principles. She worked tirelessly for women's rights, minority rights, impoverished, and under served. She is a proud Liberal, Democratic loyalist, and strong supporter of Hillary Clinton. This week was devastating to her. I'm not being dramatic- I was really uncertain whether or not I would be planning a funeral this week. It broke her heart, and her spirit. It was crushing. Part of it is that at the age of 84, she will never see some of her dreams come to fruition. But then something changed... I walked into her house on Sunday and it felt completely different. Light, airy, even a touch of joy. She was smiling- OK, not a full blown exuberance, but at least a healthy contentedness. She told me that she had made a choice- that she could no longer live in that dark place. She TURNED OFF THE TELEVISION (which is typically on 24/7 as background noise- usually talking heads or liberal talk shows blabbing about whatever their issue was). And she put on some Jazz music. Now, there is nothing magical about Jazz (though I enjoy it), but it struck me that she had done what most of this country needs to do. She cut off the noise of the typical banter that was continuously rolling a tape in the background of her life, and put on some pleasant music. The house felt different because it was simply 2 people talking with some nice music on. I don't know why that seems almost profound, but it does. Maybe we just need to cut off the noise of the TV, or Cable, or the Internet, or Facebook, or whatever. Stop listening to the mumbo jumbo everyone else wants to pour into our heads, put on a few good tunes, and enjoy each other. At least for a while. Yeah, I know. Sounds kind of like a kumbaya moment. So be it. I did it too. Cut off NPR on the truck radio, and listened to some great tunes while covering a few hundred miles. Life is good.

+a Trillion. Best thing I've read in a long while. I've done the same, finally getting my money's worth out of my XM subscription. You win the internets sir!

Tactical Penguin
Tactical Penguin Dork
11/18/16 8:04 a.m.
Jerry wrote: My mom invited me to my racist uncle's rambling about Making America Great Again for Turkey Day, no thanks. Star Wars movies and cheap junk food will do me just fine.

I'm leaning this way as well. Of course, SWMBO is having her folks over at our place too...maybe I'll just drive around aimlessly for a few hours after work and hope the festivities are nearly over by the time I get in.

Basil Exposition
Basil Exposition SuperDork
11/18/16 8:58 a.m.

In England they talk about the "looney left." They prevented the Labour Party from being in the majority until Tony Blair was able to get them under control and rebrand the party as more centrist.

We seemed to have devolved into the "looney left" vs. the "looney right," whereas the difference between the parties used to be more nuanced than it is now. What is really amazing is that the split is so even and so diametrically opposed.

I've got some good friends on the "looney right" and, although I describe myself as conservative, I largely just smile and nod whenever they espouse some of the ridiculous "facts" that they "know" are true. And, by the way, anything that my friends believe is true and Snopes has debunked is actually still true because Snopes is run by liberals.

People generally cling to information (as opposed to facts) that support their view. In today's world, unfortunately, there are steaming piles of "information" to be had.

In any case, hopefully we'll all listen to some Jazz and calm the berkeley down.

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